eCourse for court or probation

National Domestic Violence Hotline: If you are currently experienceing abuse, you are not alone. Call now we want to help. Today.  1-800-799-7233 

Take this 100% online course if you were ordered by a Judge or Court Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $60 per session hour -includes weekly summary letters - Please call to schedule, #936-444-7508


Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.


Do you need coaching with weekly letters? Please call/text to schedule sessions: ($60 per 1-hour session including weekly letters) (936-444-7508)

  • 1

    Chapter 1: DV/BIP Awareness and Victims Survivor Impact Panels- Healthy Relationships

    • Resources and programs to serve you RIGHT NOW: Connect with services in your area by clicking the list below or speak with someone immediately by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or (800) 787-3224 (TTY)

    • The general pattern of domestic violence is that abuse gets worse over time. If you can identify the signs of abuse early on in the relationship, you may have a better chance of getting out safely.

    • (09:19) What is domestic violence? Channel, (OPTIONAL)

    • Like heterosexual people, LGBT people are impacted by violence and abuse in intimate relationships, including physical battering, emotional abuse, and sexual assault.

    • (10:47) Dealing with ANGER and RESENTMENT in RELATIONSHIPS- Abraham Hicks

    • (10:33) How to Create a Safe Relationship - Teal Swan

    • (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan -

    • (05:34) Abraham Hicks- How does the perfect relationship feel ? by vio77X Channel

    • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224 - Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship - 11 Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse


  • 2

    Chapter 2: Healthy Relationships, Healthy Boundaries

    • What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power.

    • Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Choose how often your partner does the following to find out. Make sure to write down your responses. At the end, you’ll find out your score.

    • (22:38) Why You Can't Leave The Relationship (Intermittent Reinforcement) - Teal Swan -

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (15:08) Abraham Hicks ~ HOW TO FEEL WORTHY by National Court Ordered Education Institute

    • Personal Empowerment: STICK UP FOR YOURSELF (39:34) Former Secret Service Agent Reveals How to Adopt a Commanding Presence | Evy Poumpouras by Women of Impact

