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eCourse for court or probation

National Domestic Violence Hotline: If you are currently experienceing abuse, you are not alone. Call now we want to help. Today.  1-800-799-7233 

Take this 100% online course if you were ordered by a Judge or Court Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $60 per session hour -includes weekly summary letters - Please call to schedule, #936-444-7508


Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

Domestic Violence/Batterer Intervention Program eCourse

Domestic violence, batterer intervention education series eCourse designed to create a progressive and all-encompassing rehabilitation education elearning experience. The idea is to provide the student with a detailed map of knowledge regarding the legal and personal and social implications of domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

  • 1

    Chapter 1: What is Domestic Violence? What is a batterer?

    • PREVIEW. Resources and programs to serve you RIGHT NOW: Connect with services in your area by clicking the list below or speak with someone immediately by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or (800) 787-3224 (TTY)

    • (05:56) Confronting Domestic Violence Abusers Face-To-Face | VICE on HBO (Bonus) by Vice News Channel

    • The term batterer can be applied to a broad range of individuals. A batterer is an individual who commits acts of physical violence and domination against an intimate partner or ex-partner. The violence is usually episodic rather than a one-time event

    • (59:00) Love You to Death: A Year of Domestic Violence (Crime Documentary) by Crime Documentaries Channel

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Domestic Violence and the Difference Between Healthy and Toxic Relationships

    • This article explores 8 differences between healthy relationships and toxic relationships. For anyone who currently has a partner or wants one, the main goal should be to have a healthy relationship rather than a toxic one.

    • (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan -

    • (14:47) A Fatal Relationship Dynamic (And How To Solve It) - Teal Swan -

    • (30:41) Teal Swan on avoiding Abuse and Loving Yourself

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Domestic violence- Healing Abusive Behavior Through Compassion

    • Understanding Anger as an Outgrowth of Self-Compassion: A pathway to empathy

    • (13:00) Anger, Compassion, and What It Means To Be Strong | Russell Kolts | TEDxOlympia by TEDx Channel

    • (12:41) How to use anger as a force for good | Marcia Reynolds | TEDxAtlanta by TEDx Channel

    • (04:15) Transforming Anger Into Loving-Kindness ~ A Teaching by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Channel

    • (09:15) Jordan Peterson | Anger & Depression by Prof Peterson Channel

    • (04:38) Jordan Peterson - Understand the depths of your anger by Dose of Truth Channel

    • (04:37) "Anger is Toxic" Jordan Peterson on Aggression by TheArchangel911 Channel

    • (04:27) Jordan Peterson - Normal-You and Angry-You by Bite Sized Philosophy Channel

    • (06:17) "How Angry Should you Get?" Jordan Peterson on Corrective Conversations and Emotional Regulation by TheRealMultimix Channel

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Domestic Violence Prevention and Rules, Boundaries and Limitations in Relationships

    • First off, you should always discuss what you expect out of someone, and what you expect to receive. If one thinks of expectations as standards of conduct, embracing the boundaries that come with it becomes easier.

    • (03:45) TEAL SWAN: Having Healthy Boundaries in Relationships by Kate Maree O'Brien Channel

    • (20:57) Personal Boundaries vs. Oneness (How to Develop Healthy Boundaries) - Teal Swan

    • (14:37) How to Build Self Discipline by Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (09:58) Jordan Peterson: Narcissists & Pushovers in Relationships by Essential Truth Channel

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Healing Domestic Violence Using Behavior Modification Techniques to Create Healthy Relationships

    • Five Behaviors To Build Healthy Relationships With Anyone Trust is built and sustained with five practices that work in your organization, classroom, or home

    • (26:32) 10 RULES OF A RELATIONSHIP, Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (08:31) The Surprising Key to Building a Healthy Relationship that Lasts | Maya Diamond | TEDxOakland by TEDx Channel

    • (09:21) The 4 Relationship Attachment Styles You Need to Know by MedCircle Channel

    • How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Couples Therapy Can Improve Your Relationship: There are many layers to relationships and maintaining them require dedication.

    • (10:54) Healthy vs Toxic Relationships: How to Spot the Differences by Medcircle Channel

    • (11:11) Partner of a Narcissist - First Steps to Change - Part 1 by Dr. Daniel Fox Channel

    • (17:37) 3-Parts of The Narcissistic Relationship Cycle by Dr. Daniel Fox Channel

    • (11:04) Emotional Connections & Borderline & Narcissistic Personality Disorder by Dr. Daniel Fox Channel

    • (07:35) Rage and Borderline Personality Disorder - Identifiers, Triggers, and Management by Dr. Daniel Fox Channel

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Healthy Communication in Relationships- Be the Solution, Not the Problem

    • Ineffective Communication Can Result in Relationship Problems. How Can You Fix It? How can ineffective communication hurt your relationship?

    • (11:50) Build don't break relationships with communication - connect the dots | Amy Scott | TEDxQueenstown by TEDx Channel

    • (14:02) How To Improve Communication With Your Spouse, Dr. Paul Jenkins by Nate Woodbury Channel

    • (19:48) Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication by Leo Gura

    • (17:10) "Learn How to COMMUNICATE!" | Jordan B. Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) | #Entspresso by Evan Carmichael Channel

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Authentic Communication Skills: Communicating in Love, Not Fear

    • Conscious Communication: Not Reacting from a Fear-Based Mentality. As human beings, the greatest gift we have at our disposal can also be the greatest weapon—words. We can heal ourselves, others, and the world with words.

    • (19:48) Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication by Leo Gura

    • (18:29) Self Expression - How To Express Yourself & Find Your Authentic Creative Voice by Leo Gura

    • (25:12) How to Stop Being Shy (Communicate with Confidence) | Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (11:48) 10 Simple Ways to Be You (AUTHENTIC Guide) Ralph Smart, Criminologist and Psychologist by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Jealousy, Resentment and Even Expectation: Three Relationship Busters

    • Jealousy and Envy: Envy is the emotion that occurs when we experience an extreme desire for something that someone else has. Jealousy is the emotion that occurs when we anticipate or feel the loss of something of great value to us.

    • Priceless Relationship Advice (Expectations and Assumptions): We all have expectations. These expectations may be conscious or they may be subconscious. Most expectations are subconscious.

    • Why Your Relationships Hurt? If you really thought about it, I bet you could come up with a description of what your perfect relationship would feel like. The relationship that you consciously want would be unconditionally loving and supportive...

    • (08:05) Priceless Love Advice (Expectations and Assumptions) -Teal Swan -

    • (13:33) The #1 Relationship Obstacle (And How To Dissolve It) - Teal Swan -

    • (10:35) The 'If You Love Me' Pattern in Relationships by Teal Swan

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Analyzing Fear and Anxiety: Is Fear Just an Illusion?

    • Fear and failure are illusions that are self-created. Close your eyes and ask yourself. “What is your biggest fear?” Typically mostly will answer with, “failure” hoping to demonstrate they don’t look for failure in their future.

    • (05:53) How To Beat Fear And Anxiety | Jordan Peterson | Powerful Life Advice -Channel: Word to the Wise

    • (28:17) How to Overcome Any Fear (According To A Psychologist) Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (14:12) How to Overcome Subconscious Childhood Trauma by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (03:28) Bashar :: The Spectrum of Fear - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Daryl Anka

    • (04:59) Bashar :: The Five Forms of Abundance - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Daryl Anka

    • (23:05) Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan-

    • (21:51) Indecision (Decisions and Indecisiveness) - Teal Swan -

  • 10

    Chapter 10: DV/BIP Victims Impact Panel Part-1-of-3-CV19 PUTS A SPOT LIGHT ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

    • Victim Impact Panels Definition: A Victim Impact Panel (VIP) is a community-based meeting for victims/witnesses to describe the experiences they or loved ones have endured due to the actions of [others].

    • (12:44) Domestic violence surges during coronavirus lockdowns | COVID-19 Special by DW News Channel

    • (03:18) Growing Concern Over Rise Of Domestic Violence Amid COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Orders | NBC Nightly News Channel

    • (07:48) Domestic violence on the rise amid COVID-19 by CBC News Channel

    • (06:26) How the coronavirus lockdown is fueling domestic violence | DW News Channel

    • (05:37) Coronavirus outbreak: Are domestic violence numbers rising during COVID-19 lockdown? by

    • (02:20) Domestic Violence Concerns Amid Coronavirus Pandemic by KMTV 3 News Now Channel

    • (07:47) COVID-19: Increasing cases of domestic violence as cities go into lockdown by CNA Channel

    • (02:49) Domestic violence advocates prepare for rising demand for support during COVID-19 by CBC News: The National Channel

    • (02:53) Coronavirus: Lockdown brings rise in domestic abuse by Sky News Channel

  • 11

    Chapter 11: How to Cope with Loneliness, Depression and Powerlessness

    • Loneliness and Depression: What’s the Connection? Feel a little “blah” lately? You don’t have much to do, and no one to do it with either. You’re home alone, again, when gloominess strikes, adding misery to your boredom.

    • (59:00) Loneliness: An Epidemic in our Society and Why We Need to Change - Teal Swan Speech London 2018

    • (12:19) The Anatomy of Loneliness - Teal Swan

    • (22:46) Belonging and How to Belong - Teal Swan

  • 12

    Chapter 12: The Function of Guilt, Blame and Resentment and the Destructive Nature of Shame

    • When you have guilt, you reinforce the feelings of being not okay. You lose your confidence and self-respect. You feel undeserving and you hold yourself back. The key to releasing guilt is to recognize that we all go through life doing the best we can...

    • (00:57) Shame - Teal Swan

    • (17:12) How To Overcome Shame -Teal Swan-

    • (20:43) Resentment (How to Let Go of Resentment) - Teal Swan [email protected]

    • (18:12) Why Your Personality is Fake (Distortion) Teal Swan

    • (56:02) Fragmentation, Self Worth and How to Understand your Shame - Teal Swan Synchronization Workshop

  • 13

    Chapter 13: The Anatomy of Violence: What is Considered Abuse in a Relationship?

    • Anatomy of a Violent Relationship: Some batterers are like pit bulls, other like cobras We know surprisingly little about why so many men erupt into violence, and why they feel such a need to control ... women with brutal behavior.

    • (09:19) What is domestic violence? Channel,

    • (15:59) Why domestic violence victims don't leave | Leslie Morgan Steiner Channel, TED

    • (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan -

    • (22:38) Why You Can't Leave The Relationship (Intermittent Reinforcement) - Teal Swan -

    • (27:48) The Victim Control Dynamic (Escaping Control Drama in Relationships) - Teal Swan -

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Healthy Relationships 101- An Intimate Dynamic

    • 5 Healthy Relationship Dynamics That You May Think are Toxic There are many myths about what makes a relationship great and living out these myths can be dangerous.

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (22:58) How to Recognize You're Better With Someone Or Without Them [Coca-Cola Vs. Water] | Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (35:35) 10 Tips For a Successful Relationship - Teal Swan

    • (18:31) Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship Leo Gura

  • 15

    Chapter 15: The Philosophy of Integrity - The Integrated Whole

    • Integrity And Ethics What Is Integrity Philosophy Essay The word ‘integrity’ comes from Latin word ‘integer’, which means wholeness. This wholeness can be described as internal consistency, combining beliefs, words, and actions.

    • (42:00) Marcus Aurelius-Best Lecture on Stoicism EVER! (full Virtual University lesson) by Dual by Nature Channel

    • (31:13) Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - SUMMARIZED - (22 Stoic Principles to Live by) by Channel Vox Stoica

  • 16

    Chapter 16: The Anatomy of a Healthy Relationship: How to Have Successful and Secure Relationships

    • What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power.

    • (20:59) Healthy Relationships - What You MUST Know To Sustain A Great Relationship by Leo Gura

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship by Psychologist and Criminologist Ralph Smart

    • (10:33) How to Create a Safe Relationship - Teal Swan

    • (35:35) 10 Tips For a Successful Relationship - Teal Swan

  • 17

    Chapter 17: Recognizing Domestic Violence and Identifying Narcissism and Toxic Relationships

    • Narcissism is properly viewed on a spectrum. The trait is normally distributed in the population, with most people scoring near the middle, and a few at either extreme. The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), developed by Robert Raskin and Calvin S.

    • (17:40) Narcissism - Teal Swan

    • (23:50) Cut the Invisible Strings (How to De-Attach From Manipulation in Relationships) - Teal Swan

    • (30:53) How To Stop Being A Scapegoat and Stop Being Scapegoated Teal Swan

    • (06:58) SIGNS THAT HE'S A NARCISSIST! Derrick Jaxn Channel #TEAMJAXN

  • 18

    Chapter 18: Q&A Review of Healthy Relationships

    • 56. Q&A Review of Healthy Relationships

    • (04:08) Jordan Peterson - The Key to Healthy Relationships by Bite-Sized Philosophy Channel

    • (23:26) Jordan Peterson on Romantic Relationships by The Academy of Language Therapy & Life Coaching Channel

    • (05:34) Abraham Hicks- How does the perfect relationship feel ? by vio77X Channel

    • (06:06) Abraham ~ Feeling of loss in relationships ♥ by rachel3107 Channel

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship, Ralph Smart, Criminologist and Psychologist by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (16:05) 5 Strong Signs Someone's Potentially Your Twin Flame, Ralph Smart, Psychologist and Criminologist by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (06:31) Abraham Hicks - The Key Too Positive Healthy Relationships ! by Zen with Abraham-Hicks

  • 19

    Chapter 19: Analyzing Uncertainty, Anxiety, Indecision, and Procrastination

    • Uncertainty, Anxiety, Indecision, and Procrastination Anxiety over uncertainty is a major source of distress that is often overlooked. You can’t avoid unknowns and uncertainties unless you release expectations.

    • (23:05) Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan-

    • (11:57) You Don't Fear the Unknown! -Teal Swan-

    • (16:32) When Things are Out Of Your Control - Teal Swan -

    • (12:05) Fear Of The Future (How To Stop Fearing The Future) - Teal Swan -

    • (21:50) Indecision (Decisions and Indecisiveness) - Teal Swan -

  • 20

    Chapter 20: DV/BIP Victims Impact Panel Part 2-of-3-Violence is Violence--Male Victims Break the Silence

    • (09:10) Feature on the experiences of male victims of domestic abuse (BBC Inside out) The Mankind Initiative Channel

    • (04:03) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN by James Eastgate Channel

    • (12:35) Domestic abuse: not a gender issue | Andrew Pain | TEDxLeamingtonSpa by TEDx Channel

    • (07:20) Inside a refuge supporting a male victim of domestic abuse by The Mankind Initiative Channel

    • (03:42) Male Domestic Violence Is Very REAL by Dylan Measells Channel

    • (01:43) Male Victims of Domestic Abuse (Tony Hannington) by The Mankind Initiative Channel

    • (02:56) Male domestic abuse victim speaks out... by PeaaOmerVideos Channel

    • (02:24) Domestic abuse: 1 in 3 victims are male by Sky News Channel

    • (04:18) Speak Up: Domestic Abuse Against Men by Fixers UK Channel

    • (08:34) ACA - Domestic Violence against Men by Badger Badger Channel

    • (02:10) Male victim of domestic violence speaks out PKG by NewsNico Channel

    • (01:19) Male Domestic Abuse | Good Morning Britain by Good Morning Britain Channel

    • (02:11) Male victims of domestic violence don't always report abuse by WYFF News 4 Channel

    • (05:40) Male Victims of Domestic Abuse by Two Step Films Ltd Channel

  • 21

    Chapter 21: The Internal Locus of Control- A Fault and Blame Buster

    • Locus of Control and Your Life: Locus of control refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives.

    • (02:41) RALPH SMART: How To Control Your Mind (USE THIS to Brainwash Yourself) by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (09:25) Self-Discipline | Why It’s Important & How to Master Self-Control by Med School Insiders Channel

    • (15:13) The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier by TEDx Channel

    • (05:26) The Neuroscience of Lies, Honesty, and Self-Control | Robert Sapolsky by Big Think Channel

    • (08:22) Self control | Behavior | MCAT | Khan Academy by khanacademymedicine Channel

    • (14:37) How to Build Self Discipline by Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (16:32) When Things are Out Of Your Control - Teal Swan -

  • 22

    Chapter 22: Domestic Violence, Financial Abuse and Debt

    • Once survivors of domestic abuse are in a safe place, and looking to start building their future, they can face another roadblock: debt. Abusers can use debt to hurt or trap a potential victim.

    • (00:52) Online Toolkit Created for Domestic Abuse Victims with Coerced Debt by KRGV Channel

    • (13:55) Financial abuse is emotional abuse by Vivian McGrath Channel

    • (04:48) Signs to recognize your in a financially abusive relationship | Your Morning Channel

    • (17:50) Financial Control and Exploitation in Abusive Relationships by South Carolina Legal Services Channel

    • (02:20) Financial abuse: Domestic violence you can't see by Newsy Channel

    • (04:11) Why victims of domestic violence don't just leave by abc4utah Channel

    • (59:00) Building Community and Safety from Domestic Violence During COVID 19 by New America Channel

  • 23

    Chapter 23: Superficial Communication and Gas Lighting

    • Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves.

    • (23:21) Gaslighting (What is Gaslighting and How To Heal From It) by Teal Swan

    • (12:00) How to deal with gaslighting | Ariel Leve

    • (05:26) How Gaslighting Manipulates Your Mind by BrainCraft Channel

    • (07:35) What Is Gaslighting in Relationships? by Psych2Go Channel

    • (16:22) How to Overcome Gaslighting | Stop Someone Gaslighting You Instantly | Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

  • 24

    Chapter 24: Domestic Violence Danger Assessment- Am I being Abused?

    • The general pattern of domestic violence is that abuse gets worse over time. If you can identify the signs of abuse early on in the relationship, you may have a better chance of getting out safely.

    • Like heterosexual people, LGBT people are impacted by violence and abuse in intimate relationships, including physical battering, emotional abuse, and sexual assault.

    • (03:46) Top 10 Signs You Are In an Abusive Relationship by Aaron Knudsen

    • (02:54) Toxic Relationship Test - 10 Toxic Love Signs by From Toxic To Love Channel

    • (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan -

    • (17:40) Narcissism - Teal Swan

    • (27:38) The Victim Control Dynamic (Escaping Control Drama in Relationships) - Teal Swan -

  • 25

    Chapter 25: Love is Respect- Printable Quizzes to Help and Be Helped

    • Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Choose how often your partner does the following to find out. Make sure to write down your responses. At the end, you’ll find out your score.

    • (06:10) What Is Love? by Will Smith Channel

    • (06:05) What True Love Really Is by The School of Life Channel

    • (03:12) What is Love? by Psych2Go Channel

    • (04:59) What is love? - Brad Troeger by TED-Ed Channel

    • (17:47) How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom by TEDx Channel

    • (19:27) Overcoming the Fear of Love | Trillion Small | TEDxSMUWomen by TEDx Channel

    • (02:28) Alan Watts || Spectrum Of Love by AfterCredit Edits Channel

  • 26

    Chapter 26: Self-reflection, Self-evaluation- Am I a Good Partner?

    • People do have the capacity to change, they need to deeply want to and be committed to all aspects of change in order to begin to do so. A lot of the causal factors behind abusive behaviors are learned attitudes and feelings of entitlement and privilege.

    • (18:36) You're Lovely, You're Loveable and You're Loved | Bob Carley | TEDxGalway by TEDx Channel

    • (04:51) 12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship by Psych2Go

    • (10:01) 0:11 / 10:01 If A Man Has These 15 Qualities, Never Let Him Go by Brainy Dose Channel

    • (04:31) 7 Signs You're Becoming Toxic by Psych2Go

    • (05:20) Why We Go Cold On Our Partners by The School of Life Channel

    • (14:08) Why Good Relationships Turn Bad by Charisma on Command

  • 27

    Chapter 27: The Internal Locus of Control and Behavior Modification

    • Locus of control refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives. When you are dealing with a challenge in your life, do you feel that you have control over the outcome?

    • (14:17) Integrity (What Is Integrity and How To Build Integrity) - Teal Swan

    • (17:10) How To Be Authentic - Teal Swan -

    • (15:53) How to Be Your Raw Authentic Self by Ralph Smart @Infinite Waters (divingdeep)

    • (05:57) Bashar :: Think Outside the Box - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Daryl Anka

    • (01:46) ELAN Explains 'Integrity' by The Impersonal Life

    • (01:59) Dr. Jordan B Peterson - Exercise for Authenticity and Integrity by AynRandHero

    • (21:14) Alan Watts - Be Honest With Yourself by Lectures Beyond Beyond

  • 28

    Chapter 28: Domestic Dating Violence

    • Welcome to, a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off! The 11 facts you want are below, and the sources for the facts are at the very bottom of the page. After you learn something, Do Something!

    • (10:00) Preventing Teen Dating Violence from the Inside Out | Briana Neben | TEDxCarsonCity by TEDx Channel

    • (10:56) End the Cycle of Dating and Domestic Abuse | BYU–Hawaii Title IX by BYU–Hawaii Channel

    • (09:15) Brainwashing in Domestic Violence by It Stops Here Channel

    • (05:00) 'What I See' - A Domestic Violence Short Film by Sutherland Shire Family Services Channel

    • (08:40) 7 Tactics of Brainwashing Abusers by Mary Jo Rapini Channel

    • (05:37) Teen Dating Violence by Byng Tv Channel

  • 29

    Chapter 29: Analyzing the Dynamics of a Healthy Family Unit

    • Four Essential Traits of a Healthy Family Dynamic: 1. Healthy families are attuned to each other’s needs. In other words, make regular time for face-to-face conversations with each other.

    • (21:05) What is a Healthy Family? by Terri Cole Real Love RevolutionTM Channel

    • (25:19) What is a Healthy Family? by Therapy Videos Channel

    • (02:49) People Talk About What Family Means To Them by Facts Channel

    • (14:41) Healthy Relationships by Create fnd Channel

  • 30

    Chapter 30: DV/BIP Victims Impact Panel Part-3-of-3-Survivors Speak Out Against Domestic Violence

    • (12:20) I broke my silence: My story of domestic violence | Emma Murphy | TEDxUniversityofNicosia by TEDx Talks Channel

    • (12:48) Survivor domestic abuse speaks up - I left on a tuesday | Chiara Lisowski | TEDxMaastricht by TEDx Talks Channel

    • (09:26) Domestic Violence from a Son's Perspective | Adam Herbst | TEDxYouth@ParkCity by TEDx Talks Channel

    • (13:25) Violence -- a family tradition | Robbyn Peters Bennett | TEDxBellingham by TEDx Talks Channel

    • (17:38) The Courage to Leave | Norah Casey | TEDxDublinInstituteofTechnology by TEDx Talks Channel

  • 31

    Chapter 31: Understanding That the Opposite of Love is Fear, Not Hate

    • It is my contention that the opposite of Love is not indifference, but Fear. Fear springs from the belief that we are separate, and in separation, there can be no Love. The opposite of Hate is Acceptance.

    • (05:40) Teal Swan on How Fear is the Opposite of Love

    • (15:38) Love is Greater Than Fear | Michelle Ziel-Dingman | TEDxIdahoFalls by TEDx Talks Channel

    • (59:00) What Is Love? - Advanced Spiritual Explanation Leo Gura

  • 32

    Chapter 32: Wisdom and Life Advice Worth Following: Assuming Responsibility

    • Wisdom is a great source of power. It’s through others’ stories of failure and success that we learn the most. It’s through their experiences of things we have yet to witness that feeds us the knowledge we need to build upon what we already know.


    • (09:28) It Always Paid Off | Jordan Peterson | Best Life Advice by WordToTheWise Channel

    • (12:01) The Greatest Advice Ever Told... (Use This!) by YouAreCreators Channels

    • (07:00) Reel Wisdom- Lessons from 40 Films in 7 Minutes by Were We Lied To Channel

    • (03:56) Bashar :: The Seven Neutral Needs - Highlights - Understanding Wants and Needs - You only need to remember: It doesn't matter what happens; it only matters what you do with what happens.

    • (06:24) Jordan Peterson on taking responsibility for your life | 7.30 by ABC News In-depth Channel