eCourse for Court or Probation

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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Take this 100% online evidence based eCourse if you were ordered by a Judge or Court System Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes a proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $50 per session hour. Please call to schedule #936-444-7508

This eCourse is certified for use in court or probation

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Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

Youth Tobacco Law Awareness eCourse Curriculum

Do you need coaching? Please call/text to schedule sessions (includes session completion letter). #936-444-7508)

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Youth and Young Adult Tobacco Law Awareness

    • Welcome Instructions: How to Take This Course

    • Article: Youth and Tobacco Law Awareness: Protecting the Future Generations

    • Article: Rules protect youth by restricting access to all tobacco products.

    • Article: Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and 90% of tobacco users began using before the age of 19. Tobacco companies prey on marketing to teenagers and young adults in hopes of making them lifelong customers...

    • Article/Video: What Happens To Your Body When You SMOKE & When You QUIT: According to the website, smoking harms nearly every organ of your body, and secondhand smoke is dangerous to anyone nearby. Quitting can undo a lot of the damage...

    • Video: (01:45) Tobacco 21: What new tobacco law means for smokers under 21 by ABC 7 Chicago

    • Video: (02:28) Youth Tobacco Prevention by Community Advocates Public Policy Institute

    • Video: (12:47) What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? by DocMikeEvans

    • Video: (12:00) Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse by Channel Khan Academy Medicine

    • Chapter 1 Quiz: Tobacco Law in the United States

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Vaping, Your Health and the Law

    • Article: Rules for Sales of E-Cigarettes and Other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)

    • Article: If you have thought about trying to kick a smoking habit, you’re not alone. Nearly 7 of 10 smokers say they want to stop. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health — smoking harms nearly every organ in your body...

    • Video: (03:29) Health specialist offers advice on quitting vaping by UW Medicine

    • Video: (09:05) Quit Vaping Today (NEW METHOD 2020) by Addiction Mindset

    • Video: (04:33) Nicotine Withdrawal Timeline! | How to QUIT Vaping!! by BMAC

    • Video: (13:40) How To SUCCESSFULLY QUIT Juuling, Vaping And Nicotine Addiction Cold Turkey (QUICKLY) by Owolabby Azeez

    • Video: (09:38) Vaping: what you should know | Samir Khan | TEDxAshburyCollege by TEDx Talks

    • Chapter 2 Quiz: Youth Tobacco and Vaping Laws

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Cannabis Law Awareness

    • Article: Cannabis Law, Penalties, Use and Misuse, and Health Risks

    • Video: (03:30) Understanding DC's marijuana law on 4/20 WUSA9 539K subscribers

    • Video: (02:09) Confused about Ohio's recreational marijuana law? We're breaking down the most asked questions WLWT 258K subscribers

    • Video: (05:07) Understanding marijuana legalization Breakfast Television 103K subscribers

    • Video: (03:48) Understanding Biden's federal marijuana possession pardon KTLA 5 1.23M subscribers

    • Video: (01:03:02) Florida Cannabis Laws - Attorney Dustin Robinson - Mr. Cannabis Law by Cannabis Legalization News

    • Article: MAP OF MARIJUANA LEGALITY BY STATE WONDERING WHAT THE LAW IS IN YOUR STATE? Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times.

    • Video: (19:41) 10 Secrets Marijuana Users Won't Tell You by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 3 Quiz: Cannabis Law, Penalties, Use and Misuse

  • 4

    Chapter 4: The Truth About Designer / Street Drugs

    • Article: Designer and Street Drugs in 2025: Understanding the Dangers

    • Article: The Truth About Drugs

    • Article: Designer drugs are synthetic substances thought to be safer than street drugs. But they're actually just as dangerous, or perhaps even more so. The term, designer drugs, is misleading as it evokes thoughts of something that’s hip and trendy.

    • Activity: MOUSE PARTY: Ever wondered what mice were like on drugs? Just drag & drop a mouse on the red chair to explore the effects on the brain of seven common drugs. Look inside the brains to see how drugs disrupt the normal function.

    • Video: (03:57) Designer drug danger by CBS

    • Video: (02:43) Designer drugs: legal, but not safe! #UUresearch by Utrecht University

    • Video: (04:35) 5 things to know about flakka by CBSN

    • Video: (03:47) Dr. Joe Schwarcz: On designer drugs by Montreal Gazette

    • Video: (09:21) K2 Synthetic Marijuana and Designer Drugs Reviewed by MedicCast

    • Video: (18:37) New Zealand's Deadly Synthetic Drugs Epidemic by VICE Asia

    • Chapter 4 Quiz: Designer and Street Drugs in 2025

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Addiction and Dependence Prevention Education

    • Article: Understanding Addiction and Its Complexities

    • Article: Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug, including curiosity, peer pressure or stress and problems at work or home.

    • Article: The Benefits of Transcendental Meditation on Addiction

    • Video: (25:40) Addiction and How to Overcome Addiction Teal Swan

    • Video: (22:18) Russell Brand: Freedom from Addiction Podcast (Part 1) by Channel Commune

    • Chapter 5 Quiz: Addiction and Dependence Prevention Education

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Smoking Cessation Techniques and Treatments

    • Article: Smoking Cessation Techniques and Treatments

    • Article: Transcendental Meditation and recovery from addiction: A National Summit- A growing number of people are finding that Transcendental Meditation is an essential tool in their recovery.

    • Article: The Benefits of Using Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment: Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based treatment for addiction, which can also be used to treat a variety of other psychological difficulties.

    • Video: (35:36) Hypnosis Session - Stop Smoking - UK Hypnosis Academy by Karl Smith

    • Video: (27:02) Paul Mckenna Official | Quit Smoking Today by Paul McKenna

    • Chapter 6 Quiz: Smoking Cessation Techniques and Treatments

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Impulse Control and Eliminating Bad Habits

    • Article: Understanding Habits and How They Are Created

    • Article: How to Cope with Impulse Control Issues in Kids & Adults: Impulse control issues refer to the difficulty some people have in stopping themselves from engaging in certain behaviors. Common examples include: gambling stealing aggressive behavior.

    • Article: Knowing how to break bad habits is worth its weight in gold. I say that because, while good habits will generate the results you want in life, bad habits can destroy everything.

    • Video: (02:48) How to Change Bad Habits by Bob Proctor by Gabbee

    • Video: (07:12) Replacing Bad Habits with Good Habits | Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Video: (09:29) A Habit You Simply MUST Develop by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Video: (15:51) One HABIT That Will Change Your World - Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Video: (07:12) Prosperity Habits | Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Chapter 7 Quiz: Understanding Habits

  • 8

    Chapter 8: How to Live in Health Consciousness

    • Article: Understanding Health Consciousness and How to Live a Health-Conscious Life

    • Article: What is Health Consciousness? 1. Behaviour and attitude which considers health considerations in a person’s diet or lifestyle; 2. Concerned about how healthy one's diet and lifestyle by consuming organic foods.

    • Article: The Simple Habits of Health-Conscious People They seem to have it all together from the way they eat to how they take care of their bodies in general. If you’re not one of them, then there’s a lot for you to learn.

    • Video: (16:52) Bob Proctor - Why Is Success Slipping Through Your Fingers by the SGR Program Bob Proctor

    • Video: (12:19) Ralph Smart Diet - 5 Alkaline Foods That Will Flush Toxins And Mucus From Your Body by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (52:32) Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness by Leo Gura

    • Chapter 8 Quiz: Understanding Health Consciousness

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Journaling to Quit Smoking

    • Article: Mim Drew, a 37-year-old actress and new mom who lives in Studio City, Calif., started smoking when she was about 15. She was 31 -- smoking about a pack and a half a day -- when she decided to stop smoking.

    • Article: I am a Smoker Trying to Quit Creating your quit plan should be easy, but the volume of available information can be overwhelming. Here are some easy tips to help you find a safe and effective quit plan!

    • Article: The decision to stop smoking is the first positive thing you have done to quit this unhealthy habit. However, it is important to find out different ways to stop smoking and know what works for you. Basically, there are 2 methods to quit smoking

    • Video: (18:44) 3 Reasons to Journal When Quitting Smoking by Chris Skoyles

    • Video: (03:55) My Quit Smoking Journal morning of day 5! by Jo Thomas

    • Video: (04:33) My Quit Smoking Journal Day 18 by Jo Thomas

    • Video: (02:36) My Quit Smoking Journal Day 43 by Jo Thomas

    • Video: (03:33) My Quit Smoking Journal Day 367!!! by Jo Thomas

    • Chapter 9 Quiz: Journaling to Quit Smoking

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Meditation to Quit Smoking

    • Article: How Meditation and Mindfulness Can Help You Quit Smoking

    • Video/Article: The truth about meditation however, is that it is a state we reach rather than just the physical practice.

    • Article: Mindfulness meditation may help smokers quit - even those with no willpower. Behavioral training such as mindfulness meditation may be effective at enhancing self-control toward quitting smoking – even for people who have no desire to give up.

    • Video: (16:22) How to Meditate Even if You're a Beginner | Powerful by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (01:00) 432 hz DNA Healing/Chakra Cleansing Meditation/Relaxation Music by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 10 Quiz: Meditation to Quit Smoking

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Hypnosis as a Treatment to Let Smoking Go for Good

    • Article: Quitting Smoking Using Hypnosis: A Path to a Healthier Life

    • Article: Some people worry about feeling out of control, but it is important to realize that hypnosis does not make you do things which you do not want to do. Instead, stop smoking hypnosis is about changing the meaning we attach to behaviours...

    • Video: (12:53) One POWERFUL Solution to Stop All Your Addictions | Marisa Peer by Marisa Peer

    • Video: (51:34) Stop Smoking Self Hypnosis (Quit Now Session) by Michael Sealey

    • Chapter 11 Quiz: Hypnosis as a Treatment to Quit Smoking

  • 12

    Chapter 12: What it Means to Have Self-control

    • Article: Self-Control and Quitting Smoking: Techniques and Strategies for Success

    • Article: The review of addiction research, published in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences says a smoker’s intention to quit smoking is not always needed to reduce cravings.

    • Video: (05:49) Mastering Self Control | Stoic Exercises For Inner Peace by Einzelgänger

    • Video: (12:56) Marcus Aurelius – How To Build Self Discipline (Stoicism) by Philosophies for Life

    • Video: (09:44) Napoleon Hill - 10 Rules of Self Discipline YOU MUST SEE by AJ SIMMONS

    • Chapter 12 Quiz: Quitting Smoking and Self Control

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Understanding the Subconscious Mind and Addiction/ Dependence

    • Article: Conscious mind can accept or reject an idea. No person or circumstance can force you to think any thoughts you do not want. This is important because the thoughts you choose—whether from outside or inside—will eventually determine your results...

    • Video: (01:03) How the Subconscious Keeps you Addicted | Bruce Lipton & Tommy Rosen by Recovery 2.0

    • Video: (03:33) Conscious vs Subconscious | Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Video: (07:26) Once you learn this...EVERYTHING will change | Reprogram the mind with Bob Proctor by Absolute Motivation

    • Video: (13:37) Bruce Lipton | REPROGRAM Subconscious Mind EASILY Awaken Zone 363K subscribers

    • Video: (15:12) How To REPROGRAM Your Mind - Dr. Bruce Lipton After Skool 3.52M subscribers

    • Chapter 13 Quiz: The Subconscious Mind and Addiction

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Self-confidence and Quitting Smoking

    • Article: Boosting Self-Confidence to Quit Smoking: A Path to Success

    • Article: Poor self-confidence isn’t natural. It’s nurtured. As we age, it’s easy to be influenced by school bullies or unsupportive parents. We listen to their criticism and start to doubt ourselves.

    • Video: (13:25) 5 Mindsets That Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (06:53) The Core of Self-Confidence by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (11:33) How To Be Confident In Any Situation by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (09:54) 4 Powerful Ways To Be More Confident by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (04:15) 7 Common Phrases That Show You Lack Confidence by Charisma on Command

    • Chapter 14 Quiz: How to Have Extraordinary Self-confidence

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Smoking, Self-image and Self-talk

    • Article: Body image is how you think and feel about your body. Many people feel badly about their bodies from time to time—even people who you may think have a “perfect” body. There are many things that might cause you to have a negative body image...

    • Video: (09:11) How To Stop Negative Self Talk by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (11:11) How To DESTROY Self Doubt by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (09:45) Stand Up For Yourself Without Being A Jerk by Charisma on Command

    • Video: (22:40) HOW TO STOP YOUR NEGATIVE SELF IMAGE - POWERFUL STUFF! by Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)

    • Chapter 15 Quiz: Smoking, Self-Image and Self-Talk

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Motivation to Quit Smoking

    • Article: Finding Motivation to Quit Smoking: A Comprehensive Guide

    • Video: (08:07) THEY DON'T KNOW YOU - Best Motivational Speech Video For Greatness & Success (EPIC) HD by Absolute Motivation

    • Video: (15:38) Focus on Yourself NOT OTHERS 🔥 Best Motivational Speech by Law of Attraction Coaching

    • Video: (10:01) 10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! - MORNING MOTIVATION | Best Motivational Speech by Law of Attraction Coaching

    • Video: (37:03) Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #22 - MENTALITY | 30-Minutes of the Best Motivation by Motiversity

    • Chapter 16 Quiz: Motivation to Quit Smoking
