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Course Acceptance Request Letter of Integrity.pdf

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WORKBOOK/COREPSO LOGBOOK: Download and print a COREPSO Workbook below:





Know Your Mental Health Rights!

Mental Health Engagement

Your mental health rights matter! You have a right to seek rehabilitation education that will enhance your mental health and maximize your potential to rehabilitate.

SOP- Supportive Outpatient Program students must engage in mental health eCoaching. Introduce yourself to engage in eCoaching during your course by accessing the discussions box in the top right corner of your screen.

This eCourse is certified for use in court or probation

Please check with your institution to confirm acceptance

Court/Probation DOEP Certified Online Course

The Substance Abuse Outpatient Program (SOP)

This standardized rehabilitative psychoeducational dialectical impact program utilizes online coaching and discussion input to dive into various topics related to drug use, illegal behavior and relapse. 

Designed to educate drug offenders about the negative consequences of drug abuse/misuse and associated illegal activities, the goal is to increase knowledge of drug use habits and help in developing a strong knowledge base to reduce the probability of future drug use and illegal activities. eCoaching and the introduction to online mental health coaching sessions for future needs, drives the progression of life transformation.

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing and aftercare.

SAP’s represent the path to healing and recovering a valuable career or profession. SAP are valuable, because at all costs we want the employee behind the steering wheel of a school bus, in the cockpit of a plane, at the helm of an oil tanker, at the throttle of a train, in the engineer compartment of a subway car, or at the emergency control valves of a natural gas pipeline—we want them clear and sharp and alert and aware and sober. That responsibility to the public is enormous!

The SAP Community Advocate

SAP’s do not advocate for the employer nor the employee. The function of the SAP is to protect the public interest in safety by professionally evaluating the employee and recommending appropriate education and/or treatment, follow-up tests, and aftercare.

Applicable Regulations

Regulation 49 CFR Part 40 and Subpart:

Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) | US Department of Transportation


SOP Clients:

Get help now: US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Take this 100% online evidence based eCourse if you were ordered by a Judge or Court System Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes a proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional hourly fee. Please call to schedule #936-444-7508


Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.


  • 1




    • Download and save your "WORKSHEET JOURNAL SURVEY" as proof of your efforts (download icon is at the top right corner)


    • Video: (03:56) Bashar :: The Seven Neutral Needs - Highlights Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka 159K subscribers

    • US DOT-SAP Safety-First Risk Prevention Mandated Education Requirements Quiz

  • 2

    Chapter 1: Drug Abuse and Addiction Prevention Supportive Programming- Warning Signs and Symptoms

    • Article: Introduction to SOP Supportive Outpatient Programming

    • Presentation: Welcome to Your Online Certified Course

    • Workbook: Download and save your "WORKSHEET JOURNAL SURVEY" as proof of your efforts (download icon is at the top right corner)

    • Week 1 SOP Entrance Survey

    • Article: Drug Classifications: The federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) classifies drugs into five schedules based on the potential for abuse and whether the drug has been proven and accepted for medical use.

    • Article: What Is a Controlled Substance? Generally, a controlled substance is an illegal drug that can have a detrimental effect on a person's health and welfare. As a result, federal and state governments have seen fit to regulate these substances.

    • Video: (59:00) How the Subconscious Keeps you Addicted | Bruce Lipton & Tommy Rosen by Channel Recovery 2.0

    • Chapter 1 Quiz: Drug Abuse and Addiction

  • 3

    Chapter 2: From Addiction to Recovery

    • Article: From Addiction to Recovery: A Journey of Hope and Healing

    • Presentation: Drug Addiction and Abuse Support- Education and Coaching.pdf

    • Article: Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long-lasting and can lead to the harmful behaviors.

    • Video: (25:06) THE JOURNEY From Addiction to Recovery - Kara's Story Texas Pictures Documentaries 167K subscribers

    • Video: (24:01) THE JOURNEY From Addiction to Recovery - Danay's Story Texas Pictures Documentaries 167K subscribers

    • Chapter 2 Quiz: From Addiction to Recovery

  • 4

    Chapter 3: Drugs & Alcohol Series Including Prescription /street Drugs and Cannabis- The Truth About Drug Abuse and Addiction

    • Week 2 SOP Program Survey

    • Article: Truth About Drugs: Drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century. Popularized in the 1960s by music and mass media, they invade all aspects of society. An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal

    • Article: MOUSE PARTY: Ever wondered what mice were like on drugs? Just drag & drop a mouse on the red chair to explore the effects on the brain of seven common drugs.

    • Article: Alcoholism increases the likelihood of developing co-occurring conditions such as a substance use disorder. Mixing alcohol and other drugs together can lead to serious physical, behavioral and health complications.

    • Article: Binge Drinking is often glamorized on TV and movies, but the truth is that there is nothing beautiful about it. Binge drinking involves a dangerous pattern of excessive alcohol consumption.

    • Article: Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug, including curiosity, peer pressure or stress and problems at work or home.

    • Video: (12:00) Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse by Channel Khan Academy Medicine

    • Video: (06:08) What does Heroin do to your brain and body? | Earth Lab by Channel BBC Earth Lab

    • Video: (41:03) Alcohol Awareness: Use, Abuse and Support by Channel Michigan Medicine

    • Video: (09:49) Student Drug and Alcohol Awareness by Channel Teachings in Education

    • Video: (16:52) Bob Proctor - Why Is Success Slipping Through Your Fingers by the SGR Program Bob Proctor

    • Chapter 3 Quiz: The Truth About Drug Abuse and Addiction

  • 5

    Chapter 4: Drug Abuse Awareness Review

    • Article: Drug Abuse Awareness: How Much is Too Much?

    • Video: (01:01) Drug Abuse Awareness | eLearning Course iAM Learning 2.77K subscribers

    • Video: (05:44) Drug Abuse, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical Centric 580K subscribers

    • Video: (07:00) Drug and Alcohol Awareness Service Sanitation, Inc 6.62K subscribers

    • Video: (11:11) How America Got Hooked on Opioids | The War on Drugs VICE 18.8M subscribers

    • Video: (06:22) Why fentanyl withdrawal is so unbearable STAT 28.3K subscribers

    • Video: (19:45) Why Fentanyl Is So Incredibly Dangerous Institute of Human Anatomy 8.31M subscribers

    • Chapter 4 Quiz: Drug Abuse Awareness Review

  • 6

    Chapter 5: Understanding Cannabis and Cannabis Laws

    • Week 3 SOP Survey

    • Article: Federal Marijuana Laws: If you live in a state that legalized medical or recreational marijuana use, it may come as an unpleasant surprise to learn that you are still committing a federal crime by possessing, buying, or selling marijuana.

    • Article: Medical Marijuana Laws: The term "medical marijuana" refers to the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes. People who are terminally ill or suffer from painful or long-term symptoms associated with certain diseases.

    • Article: MAP OF MARIJUANA LEGALITY BY STATE WONDERING WHAT THE LAW IS IN YOUR STATE? Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times.

    • Video: (07:07) How Marijuana Is Both Legal and Illegal in the U.S. Bloomberg Law 34.9K subscribers

    • Video: (04:11) How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing The Workplace NBC News 11M subscribers

    • Video: (01:03:02) Florida Cannabis Laws - Attorney Dustin Robinson - Mr. Cannabis Law by Cannabis Legalization News

    • Chapter 5 Quiz: Understanding Cannabis and Cannabis Laws

  • 7

    Chapter 6: Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol

    • Article: Not only does excessive drinking accelerate natural brain shrinkage, but it interferes with the brain’s communication pathways causing memory loss, behavior and mood changes, and a decrease in coordination and attention span.

    • Video: (59:00) The Easy Way To Control Alcohol by Channel What You Will Learn

    • Video: (15:01) Jordan Peterson on Alcohol by Channel Theo Von Clips

    • Video: (05:48) Anxiety Hangover After Drinking? Why do I have so much anxiety the day after drinking? by Channel

    • Video: (06:58) Jordan Peterson - Funny Story about Dealing with a Dangerous Alcoholic Neighbor by Channel Bite Sized Philosophy

    • Chapter 6 Quiz: Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol

  • 8

    Chapter 7: HIV/AIDS Awareness and Substance Abuse and Addiction Prevention Education

    • Week 4 SOP Survey

    • Article: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

    • Article: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight infection/disease

    • Article: When asked to condemn the use of recreational drugs in the 1960’s, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of TM, refused to do so, explaining that drug users were the same as everybody else--their primary motivation for everything they did was happines

    • Article: The Benefits of Using Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment: Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based treatment for addiction, which can also be used to treat a variety of other psychological difficulties.

    • Video/Article: How I overcame alcoholism | Claudia Christian

    • Video/Article: Rewriting The Story Of My Addiction | Jo Harvey Weatherford

    • Video/Article: I've been duped by alcohol | Paul Churchill

    • Video/Article: How I slayed Addiction with Nature | Dax Justin

    • Video: (25:40) Addiction and How to Overcome Addiction Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 7 Quiz: HIV/AIDS Awareness

  • 9

    Chapter 8: The Rat Park Rat Experiments and the Perception of Drug Addiction

    • Article: The Rat Park Rat Experiments and the Perception of Drug Addiction

    • Presentation: Drug Abuse Addiction Rat Park Experiments.pdf

    • Video: (03:30) What Causes Addiction by Channel Minute Videos

    • Video: (01:40) Addiction an the Rat Park Experiments - Short Version 14,908 views•Nov 16, 2016 by Channel Minute Videos Portfolio

    • Video: (04:52) Beating Drug Addiction - The Rat Park Experiment by Channel Wisdom Land

    • Video: (07:12) How A Messed Up Childhood Affects You In Adulthood by The School of Life Channel

    • Video: (16:14) Rat Park Documentary: Behind The Scenes by Channel VICE TV

    • Video: (13:09) Understanding Addiction - Rat Park by Channel Let's Suffer Together

    • Video: (06:59) Overcoming Addiction - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO FINALLY BEAT IT by Channel Improvement Pill

    • Chapter 8 Quiz: The Rat Park Rat Experiments

  • 10

    Chapter 9: Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors

    • Week 5 SOP Survey

    • Presentation: Review of Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors.pdf

    • Article: Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors

    • Article: What are risk factors and protective factors? Research over the past two decades has tried to determine how drug abuse begins and how it progresses. Many factors can add to a person’s risk for drug abuse.

    • Video/Article: Six Steps to Life-Altering Change for Addicts and Convicts

    • Video/Article: Psychology Professor & Substance Abuse Counselor | Andrew Assini

    • Video/Article: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari

    • Video/Article: The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power: Gabor Maté

    • Video/Article: Lessons a drug addict can teach you | Lauren Windle

    • Video: (12:00) Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse by Channel Kahnacademymedicine

    • Chapter 9 Quiz: Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors

  • 11

    Chapter 10: Drugs & Alcohol Victims (Survivors) Impact Panels VIP(S)

    • Article: Victim Impact Panels Definition: A Victim Impact Panel (VIP) is a community-based meeting for victims/witnesses to describe the experiences they or loved ones have endured due to the actions of [others].

    • Article: From Healing to Promoting Healthy Relationships Healthy and meaningful relationships are key to our well-being. The ability to connect with others, share experiences, and feel a sense of belonging provides stability to our lives.

    • Video: (13:21) TYRESE GIBSON: No man is perfect. by National Court Ordered Education Institute Channel

    • Video: (22:18) Russell Brand: Freedom from Addiction Podcast (Part 1) by Channel Commune

    • Video: (10:15) Sharing About My Porn Addiction by Arthur Moore

    • Video: (25:40) Addiction and How to Overcome Addiction by Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 10 Quiz: Drugs & Alcohol Victims (Survivors) Impact Panels VIP(S)

  • 12

    Chapter 11: The Brain, Addiction and Reward Centers

    • Brochure: What causes addiction? The word “addiction” is derived from a Latin term for “enslaved by” or “bound to.” Anyone who has struggled to overcome an addiction—or has tried to help someone else to do so—understands why

    • Article: Drug Abuse, Dopamine, and the Brain's Reward System, Why Do People Use Alcohol & Drugs Even After Facing Consequences? Basics of Brain Function and Neurotransmitters, The Brain Following Initial and Early Substance Use...

    • Presentation: Brain Function, Reward Centers and Drug Abuse and Addiction.pdf

    • Video/Article: Neuroscientist Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the NIH, applies a lens of addiction to the obesity epidemic.

    • Video: (21:42) Anatomy of an Overdose - Full Version by Channel First Rule Films

    • Video: (02:22) What is Heroin? Heroin Facts and Effects by Channel Duffy's Nappa Valley Rehab

    • Video: (04:41) What's the TRUTH Behind DRUG ADDICTION? by Channel Sci-Wise

    • Video: (02:01) Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol? by Channel Inspire Malibu

    • Video: (54:02) Most IMPORTANT Video on Addiction | Bruce Lipton & Tommy Rosen by Channel Recovery 2.0

    • Chapter 11 Quiz: The Brain, Addiction and Reward Centers

  • 13

    Chapter 12: Create a Healthy Life by Creating Healthy Relationships

    • Article: Five Behaviors To Build Healthy Relationships With Anyone Trust is built and sustained with five practices that work in your organization, classroom, or home

    • Article: How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Couples Therapy Can Improve Your Relationship: There are many layers to relationships and maintaining them require dedication.

    • Video/Article: The Surprising Key to Building a Healthy Relationship that Lasts | Maya Diamond

    • Video: (26:32) 10 RULES OF A RELATIONSHIP, Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • Video: (09:21) The 4 Relationship Attachment Styles You Need to Know by MedCircle Channel

    • Video: (10:54) Healthy vs Toxic Relationships: How to Spot the Differences by Medcircle Channel

    • Chapter 12 Quiz: Creating Healthy Relationships

  • 14

    Chapter 13: The Anatomy of a Healthy Relationship: How to Have Successful and Secure Relationships

    • Article: What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power.

    • Video: (20:59) Healthy Relationships - What You MUST Know To Sustain A Great Relationship by Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship by Psychologist and Criminologist Ralph Smart @ralphsmart.com

    • Video: (10:33) How to Create a Safe Relationship - Teal Swan @tealswan.com

    • Video: (35:35) 10 Tips For a Successful Relationship - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 13 Quiz: The Anatomy of a Healthy Relationship

  • 15

    Chapter 14: Healthy Relationships Versus Toxic Relationships and Knowing the Difference

    • Article: This article explores 8 differences between healthy relationships and toxic relationships. For anyone who currently has a partner or wants one, the main goal should be to have a healthy relationship rather than a toxic one.

    • Video: (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan - @tealswan.com

    • Video: (14:47) A Fatal Relationship Dynamic (And How To Solve It) - Teal Swan - @tealswan.com

    • Video: (30:41) Teal Swan on avoiding Abuse and Loving Yourself

    • Chapter 14 Quiz: Healthy Relationships Versus Toxic Relationships

  • 16

    Chapter 15: Analyzing the Dynamics of a Healthy Family Unit

    • Article: Four Essential Traits of a Healthy Family Dynamic: 1. Healthy families are attuned to each other’s needs. In other words, make regular time for face-to-face conversations with each other.

    • Video: (21:05) What is a Healthy Family? by Terri Cole Real Love RevolutionTM Channel

    • Video: (25:19) What is a Healthy Family? by Therapy Videos Channel

    • Video: (02:49) People Talk About What Family Means To Them by Facts Channel

    • Video: (14:41) Healthy Relationships by Create fnd Channel

    • Chapter 15 Quiz: Dynamics of a Healthy Family Unit

  • 17

    Chapter 16: Healthy Communication in Relationships- Be the Solution, Not the Problem

    • Week 8 Survey: Communication Style

    • Article: Ineffective Communication Can Result in Relationship Problems. How Can You Fix It? How can ineffective communication hurt your relationship?

    • Video/Article: "What if your natural communication style is crippling your relationships?" Amy Scott

    • Video: (19:48) Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication by Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (17:10) "Learn How to COMMUNICATE!" | Jordan B. Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) | #Entspresso by Evan Carmichael Channel

    • Chapter 16 Quiz: Healthy Communication in Relationships

  • 18

    Chapter 17: Rules, Boundaries and Limitations in Relationships

    • Article: First off, you should always discuss what you expect out of someone, and what you expect to receive. If one thinks of expectations as standards of conduct, embracing the boundaries that come with it becomes easier.

    • Video: (20:57) Personal Boundaries vs. Oneness (How to Develop Healthy Boundaries) - Teal Swan @tealswan.com

    • Video: (14:37) How to Build Self Discipline by Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • Video: (09:58) Jordan Peterson: Narcissists & Pushovers in Relationships by Essential Truth Channel

    • Chapter 17 Quiz: Rules, Boundaries and Limitations

  • 19

    Chapter 18: Emotional Intelligence and Why EQ is More Important than IQ

    • Article: Building Emotional Intelligence for Better Relationships: The four foundations of emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence

    • Video: (16:15) Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ, Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (48:50) Understanding Emotions - Part 1, Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Chapter 18 Quiz: Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • 20

    Chapter 19: How Drugs Affect Our Mental Health

    • Article: How Drugs Affect Our Mental Health

    • Presentation: How Drugs Affect Our Mental Health.pdf

    • Video: (02:35) Drug Use and Mental Health: Comorbidity Explained Peer2Peer Project

    • Video: (10:04) Spiritual Drug Use... What is your opinion? - Teal Swan Channel @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (15:09) How to Triumph Over Any Addiction—Don't Give Up...This Shall Pass! (The Strength is Within) by Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 19 Quiz: How Drugs Affect Our Mental Health

  • 21

    Chapter 20: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Victims Impact Panels

    • Article: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Victims Impact Panels for Substance Abuse

    • Video: (06:02) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Impact on brain, body and behaviour IHDCYH Talks | Entretiens de l'IDSEA 5.26K subscribers

    • Video: (03:13) Born addicted: Heroin's innocent victims by WCPO 9

    • Video: (02:33) Understanding ACEs: What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)? Office of the California Surgeon General 955 subscribers

    • Video: (05:43) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Public Health Network Cymru 1.86K subscribers

    • Chapter 20 Quiz: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • 22

    Chapter 21: Theory, Practice and Philosophy of Impulse (Self) Control

    • Article: Self-Control Impulsivity, Willpower, Ego Depletion Self-control—or the ability to manage one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals

    • Video/Article: Behavioral economist Dan Ariely talks about self control and the difference between our long term goals and our short term actions.

    • Video: (05:49) Mastering Self Control | Stoic Exercises For Inner Peace by Einzelgänger Channel

    • Video: (04:42) 4 Lessons On Self Discipline From Stoic Philosophers by Therealizedman Channel

    • Video: (13:28) Jordan Peterson: Overcoming self-defeating behaviors by Essential Truth Channel

    • Chapter 21 Quiz: Theory, Practice and Philosophy of Impulse (Self) Control

  • 23

    Chapter 22: Theory, Practice and Philosophy of Behavior Modification

    • Article: What Is Behavior Modification? Behavior modification is a treatment approach which is focused on changing behavior. This method is based on the work of B.F. Skinner, a well known psychologist who developed the operant conditioning theory.

    • Video: (06:56) PHILOSOPHY - Nietzsche The School of Life Channel

    • Video: (21:33) 10 Life Lessons From Friedrich Nietzsche (Existentialism) Philosophies for Life Channel

    • Video: (14:38) Nietzsche and Psychology: How To Become Who You Are by Academy of Ideas Channel

    • Video: (06:57) WHY you should read Nietzsche (most people can't) | Jordan Peterson by Daily Dose Of Deepness Channel

    • Video: (13:30) Nietzsche and Morality: The Higher Man and The Herd by Academy of Ideas

    • Chapter 22 Quiz: Theory, Practice and Philosophy of Behavior Modification

  • 24

    Chapter 23: Understanding the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind

    • Article: Dr. Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief and Its Relation to the Conscious and Subconscious Mind

    • Article: The levels of consciousness are: subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. The conscious mind is what we operate with during our daily activities and waking hours.

    • Video: (59:00) Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief @ UPLIFT 2012 by Uplift Channel

    • Chapter 23 Quiz: Understanding the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind

  • 25

    Chapter 24: How to Be Conscious While Facing Challenges and Managing Crisis

    • Article: 7 Super Powers of Highly Successful, Conscious People The more I work in the field of personal development, the more I become aware of human potential in all its glory. I am frequently touched by people with incredible challenges...

    • Video: (17:07) Understanding the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind by Conscious Reality Creator Channel

    • Video: (11:25) 13 Spooky Facts About Your Subconscious Mind by TopThink Channel

    • Article: In mental health terms, a crisis refers not necessarily to a traumatic situation or event, but to a person’s reaction to an event. One person might be deeply affected by an event while another individual suffers little or no ill effects.

    • Video: (18:03) Introduction: What is a Crisis and How to Thrive in a Crisis, Teal Swan @tealswan.com

    • Video: (06:25) Lesson 1 - How to Thrive in A Crisis - Immediate Response, Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (15:33) Nervous Breakdown (What To Do About A Mental or Emotional Breakdown) - Teal Swan @tealswan.com

    • Chapter 24 Quiz: How to Be Conscious While Facing Challenges

  • 26

    Chapter 25: Life Skills Enrichment: Creating Healthy Habits

    • Article: Health Habits: A Simple List of Healthy Living Activities We have all heard that having healthy habits such as eating well, staying active, and staying on top of our health screenings is really important.

    • Video: (16:52) Bob Proctor - Why Is Success Slipping Through Your Fingers by the SGR Program Bob Proctor

    • (59:00) Napoleon Hill The Five Essentials Of Success by Brian Scott

    • Chapter 25 Quiz: Life Skills Enrichment

  • 27

    Chapter 26: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) The Best Predictor of Success?

    • Article: Soft Skills... Is there someone (or hopefully, several someones) at your company who it seems like everyone wants to work with?

    • Video: (01:52) Hard Skills vs Soft Skills by GCFLearnFree.org

    • Video: (06:23) 10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER!

    • Video: (06:45) Your Mental Faculties l Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute Channel

    • Article: Why EQ in Marketing and Sales is More Important Than Ever The World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs” report four years ago listed emotional intelligence (EQ) as a top skill for 2020.

    • Video: (01:52) Hard skills vs Human skills by Simon Sinek Channel

    • Video: (05:02) The Art Of Closing Sales by Dan Lok

    • Chapter 26 Quiz: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

  • 28

    Chapter 27: Health Coaching: Why Coaching Soft Skills Is So Different from Training Hard Skills

    • Article: Why Coaching Soft Skills is so Different from Training Hard Skills According to LinkedIn data, 57 percent of senior leaders feel soft skills are more important than hard skills.

    • Video: (16:39) How to Become a Life Coach + Start a Profitable Coaching Business from Scratch by Abiola Abrams Channel

    • Video: (12:17) How To Become A Life Coach - Every Part of the Process Revealed in Detail by Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (20:37) How To Become A Life Coach by Project Life Mastery

    • Video: (15:59) Life Coaching with Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • Video: (04:00) What Do I Think About Life Coaches? by Kati Morton

    • Chapter 27 Quiz: Why Coaching Soft Skills Is So Different from Training Hard Skills

  • 29

    Chapter 28: Mindfulness Meditation For Drug Addiction Intervention and Recovery

    • Article: Five Ways Mindfulness Meditation Is Good for Your Health Research suggests that mindfulness benefits our bodies, not just our minds.

    • Video: (10:27) Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (Animated) by Eudaimonia Channel

    • Video: (53:13) Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples, Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Chapter 28 Quiz: Mindfulness Meditation For Drug Addiction Intervention

  • 30

    Chapter 29: Authentic Communication Skills: Communicating in Love, Not Fear

    • Article: Conscious Communication: Not Reacting from a Fear-Based Mentality. As human beings, the greatest gift we have at our disposal can also be the greatest weapon—words. We can heal ourselves, others, and the world with words.

    • Video: (19:48) Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication by Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (18:29) Self Expression - How To Express Yourself & Find Your Authentic Creative Voice by Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Video: (25:12) How to Stop Being Shy (Communicate with Confidence) | Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (11:48) 10 Simple Ways to Be You (AUTHENTIC Guide) Ralph Smart, Criminologist and Psychologist by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 29 Quiz: Authentic Communication Skills

  • 31

    Chapter 30: Addiction, Intervention and Recovery

    • Article: Addiction, Intervention, and Recovery: Insights from Russell Brand and Teal Swan

    • Video: (48:31) Russell Brand Speaks Candidly About His Addictions & Recovery by Russell Brand

    • Video: (04:34) Beating Opioid Addiction | Joy's Story

    • Video: (25:54) Teal Swan Interview Part One by Bill Kenower

    • Chapter 30 Quiz: Addiction, Intervention and Recovery

  • 32

    Chapter 31: Addiction Interventions, Recovery and Relapse

    • Article: Addiction Interventions, Recovery, and Relapse

    • Presentation: Drug Abuse Recovery and Interventions.pdf

    • Video/Article: Transcending addiction and redefining recovery: Jacki Hillios

    • Video/Article: Recover out loud | Tara Conner

    • Video/Article: Heroin Addiction, Recovery and No Shame | Crystal Oertle

    • Video: (37:38) Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction by Channel Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Chapter 31 Quiz: Addiction Interventions, Recovery and Relapse

  • 33

    Chapter 32: Physics and Emotions: The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts

    • Article: The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts: Quantum Mechanics and Your Vibrational Frequency. Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency. Quantum mechanics has demonstrated how a wave frequency can be altered.

    • Video: (01:00:00) Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief @ UPLIFT 2012 by Uplift

    • Chapter 32 Quiz: Physics and Emotions

  • 34

    Chapter 33: The Laws of Physics: What is the Law of Attraction?

    • Article: PHYSICS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: I OBSERVE, THEREFORE I AM. The Law of Attraction has become a household word. Suddenly it has come to be the buzzword amongst those studying ways in which to enrich and enhance life.

    • Video: (05:12) DR. QUANTUM - DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT by Angel Art

    • Video: (12:33) Universal Laws: Dive Deeper | Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute


    • Chapter 33 Quiz: The Laws of Physics: What is the Law of Attraction?

  • 35

    Chapter 34: Analyzing Fear and Anxiety: Is Fear Just an Illusion?

    • Article: Fear and failure are illusions that are self-created. Close your eyes and ask yourself. “What is your biggest fear?” Typically mostly will answer with, “failure” hoping to demonstrate they don’t look for failure in their future.

    • Article: How Decision Making Interacts with Fear

    • Video: (05:53) How To Beat Fear And Anxiety | Jordan Peterson | Powerful Life Advice -Channel: Word to the Wise

    • Video: (28:17) How to Overcome Any Fear (According To A Psychologist) Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (23:05) Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan- @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (21:51) Indecision (Decisions and Indecisiveness) - Teal Swan - @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 34 Quiz: Fear and Decision Making

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    Chapter 35: How to Cope with Loneliness, Depression and Powerlessness

    • Article: Loneliness and Depression: What’s the Connection? Feel a little “blah” lately? You don’t have much to do, and no one to do it with either. You’re home alone, again, when gloominess strikes, adding misery to your boredom.

    • Article: Cognitive Reconstruction

    • Video: (59:00) Loneliness: An Epidemic in our Society and Why We Need to Change - Teal Swan Speech London 2018 @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (12:19) The Anatomy of Loneliness - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (22:46) Belonging and How to Belong - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 35 Quiz: Cognitive Reconstruction

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    Chapter 36: Analyzing Jealousy and Envy: Releasing Judgement

    • Article: Jealousy and Envy: The Emotions of Comparison and Contrast Jealousy and envy are emotional transformations of shame.

    • Article: Understanding Fallacies: A Comprehensive Overview

    • Video: (19:42) Jealousy and Envy (How To Deal With It) - Teal Swan - @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (15:25) How To Stop Being Jealous - Powerful Techniques To End Jealousy Forever, Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (15:32) How to Stop Feeling Less Valued Than Other People, Ralph Smart by Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 36 Quiz: Understanding Fallacy

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    Chapter 37: The Function of Guilt, Blame and Resentment and the Destructive Nature of Shame

    • Article: When you have guilt, you reinforce the feelings of being not okay. You lose your confidence and self-respect. You feel undeserving and you hold yourself back.

    • Video: (00:57) Shame - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (17:12) How To Overcome Shame -Teal Swan- @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (20:43) Resentment (How to Let Go of Resentment) - Teal Swan [email protected]

    • Video: (18:12) Why Your Personality is Fake (Distortion) Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (56:02) Fragmentation, Self Worth and How to Understand your Shame - Teal Swan Synchronization Workshop @TealSwan.com

    • Chapter 37 Quiz: Guilt, Resentment and Blame

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    Chapter 38: Analyzing How Thoughts and Beliefs Create Emotions

    • Article: What You Think About Your Emotions Matters Our underlying beliefs about emotions—whether or not we’re aware of them—can affect our happiness in life.

    • Video: (33:16) How to Form a New Habit for a Better Life | Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (10:18) How To Master & Control Your Emotions, Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (08:47) Negative Thoughts Are Good! - Teal Swan - by TealSwan.com

    • Video: (08:09) Positively Embrace Your Negative Emotions - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (04:48) Jordan Peterson, Clinical Psychologist - Advice for Regulating Emotions

    • Chapter 38 Quiz: Analyzing How Thoughts and Beliefs Create Emotions

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    Chapter 39: Healthy Relationships 101- An Intimate Dynamic

    • Article: 5 Healthy Relationship Dynamics That You May Think are Toxic There are many myths about what makes a relationship great and living out these myths can be dangerous.

    • Video: (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (22:58) How to Recognize You're Better With Someone Or Without Them [Coca-Cola Vs. Water] | Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Video: (35:35) 10 Tips For a Successful Relationship - Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • Video: (18:31) Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Chapter 39 Quiz: Healthy Relationships 101

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    Chapter 40: Drug Abuse, Addiction, Recovery and Relapse Review

    • Article: Review of Drug Abuse, Addiction, Recovery, and Relapse

    • Presentation: Drug Abuse Recovery and Relapse.pdf

    • Video: (06:20) The Cycle Of Addiction - Unhook Yourself From The Modern World (E442) by Channel Russell Brand

    • Video: (20:00) Having a Relapse? (Relapse Prevention, Recovery and How to Overcome Addiction Relapse) - Teal Swan @TealSwan

    • Video: (03:38) Listen to This Before You Watch Porn Again | An Eye Opening Speech | Ralph Smart by Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Chapter 40 Quiz: Drug Abuse, Addiction, Recovery and Relapse Review
