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eCourse for Court or Probation

Take this 100% online evidence based eCourse if you were ordered by a Judge or Court System Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes a proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

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Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

NCOei Online eCourse Curriculum

Rehabilitation education designed to develop awareness of credit card fraud and NSF check fraud; theft prevention education.

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Credit Card Fraud and the Law

    • Credit card fraud is the unauthorized use of a credit or debit card, or similar payment tool (ACH, EFT, recurring charge, etc.), to fraudulently obtain money or property. Credit/debit card numbers can be stolen from unsecured websites or identity theft.

    • Credit card fraud law establishes criminal penalties for the deceptive or unauthorized use of another person's credit card account in an attempt to steal money, goods, or services. Statutes prohibiting these types of crimes have been enacted at all levels

    • Credit and debit card fraud is a form of identity theft that involves an unauthorized taking of another's credit card information for the purpose of charging purchases to the account or removing funds from it. This theft can occur physically or virtually.

    • How much is your life worth? How much would you have to steal to finally feel satisfied or to make life fair? You CAN live the life you want to live. Shoplifting is living in lack consciousness and you can change that.

    • Credit card fraud is the intentional procurement of goods, services, or monies with a stolen, lost, cancelled, or counterfeit credit card. Credit card fraud is one of the most frequently committed types of white collar crimes.

    • (12:59) Why Credit Card Fraud Hasn't Stopped In The U.S. by CNBC

    • (12:46) Credit Card Scammers on the Dark Web by VICE

    • (09:11) What the Credit Card Companies Don't Want You To Know

    • (05:15) Credit Card Fraud: Can You Go To Prison Over $20.00? (2021) by The Hampton Law Firm P.L.L.C

    • (01:30) Charged w/ "Credit Card Fraud"? How to fight the case by Shouse Law Group Channel

    • (08:27) How to deal with credit card and debit card fraud by COMMON CENTS MIKE

  • 2

    Chapter 2: NSF Check Fraud Awareness, Bad Check, Nonsufficient Funds

    • What Is a Bad Check? A bad check refers to a check that cannot be negotiated because it is drawn on a nonexistent account or one that has insufficient funds. Writing a bad check, also known as a hot check, is illegal.

    • National Check Fraud Center Bad Check Laws by States: Bad checks, also known as NSF checks, bounced checks, rubber checks, insufficient checks, bogus checks, etc., can be a big problem for an individual or for any size company.

    • (02:39) What can get you arrested for "check fraud"? (Penal Code 476) by Shouse Law Group Channel

    • (02:55) California's "Bad Checks" Law | Penal Code 476a by Shouse Law Group Channel

    • (02:58) Bad Checks | Video Legal Pad | Vann & Sheridan Attorneys at Law by Vann Attorneys PLLC

    • (01:54) Legal Help : Can You Go to Jail for Writing a Bad Check? by wHow Channel

    • (01:40) Check Fraud Charges in New Jersey - Writing Bad Check Criminal Defense Lawyer by Travis Tormy Channel

    • (07:43) A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance by Matt D'Avella

    • (09:18) A Simple Japanese Money Trick to Become 35% Richer by BRIGHT SIDE

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Grand Larceny Law Awareness- What is the difference between Petit and Grand Larceny?

    • Grand Larceny by Degree: Whether the crime is considered grand larceny depends on the value and/or type of property stolen. This article deals with grand larceny, which is broken into five categories.

    • Larceny is defined in Virginia as the wrongful taking of the goods of another without the owner's consent and with the intention to permanently deprive the owner of possession of the goods. The most common type of petit larceny is basic shoplifting.

    • Laws on Grand Theft: Grand theft is not always considered a felony and can be a misdemeanor offense. State theft laws often provide for different degrees of severity of grand theft, with higher degrees representing more significant crimes.

    • After a conviction for larceny (also called theft, depending on the state), the trial concludes with the sentencing phase to determine penalties and conditions of the conviction. At sentencing, a number of factors come into play to determine the penalty.

    • (01:20) What is LARCENY? What does LARCENY mean? LARCENY meaning, definition & explanation by The Audiopedia

    • (02:27) What is the criminal charge of larceny? by CMHartHayslett Channel

    • (03:52) Petit Larceny & Grand Larceny Laws in NY - Larceny Defense Attorney NYC by The Law Firm of Andrew M. Stengel

    • (09:12) How to Write a Letter to a Judge for Sentencing by R&R Law Group

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Behavior Modification and Impulse Control- Understanding the Dynamics of the Conscious & Subconscious Mind

    • What is an addiction? What is the difference between addiction and a bad habit? What happens in the brain of an addict? What is involved in healing the addicted brain and the addicted person?

    • If your brain strengthens the connections that allow this rewarding behavior to occur (such stealing something and feeling a rush of excitement and pleasure), then it will be easier for you to do next time.

    • If you put a frog in a pot of cool water and you heat the water gradually to boiling, the frog will stay in the water and die. It doesn’t react because of the gradual change to the water’s temperature. Get out now while the water is still warm.

    • Lack Consciousness is the misconception that the universe is limited. Most people live with this feeling in some form. Some experience it with money. Some with food. Others with love but it can affect anything.

    • (17:07) Understanding the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind by Conscious Reality Creator

    • (07:09)Conscious, Subconscious and the Unconscious Mind Crash Course by IntroBooks Education

    • (16:50) How to Recognize You're Making Decisions With Your Ego by Ralph Smart

    • (12:55) Marcus Aurelius – How To Build Self Discipline (Stoicism) by Philosophies for Life

    • (22:09) Self Control - How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life by Channel

    • (18:15) TYRESE GIBSON: I LOVE YOU --I REPEAT-- I LOVE YOU by National Court Ordered Education Institute Channel

    • QUIZ: Behavior Modification Decision Making Impulse Control

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Why do good people steal? Understanding Theft

    • The biggest difference between stealing and kleptomania is that kleptomania is a mental health disorder. Stealing is conscious, planned and an organized crime to gain monetary or material possessions. Kleptomania is impulsive and not for financial gain.

    • So she steals out of a need for excitement, for the thrill of it. One wonders if the large thefts of money in the stock market—insider trading by people who probably already have large amounts of money—are motivated by thinking of this kind.

    • When offenders are held accountable they offer explanations, but their after-the-fact statements are usually intended to gain sympathy and minimize culpability. They focus on people and circumstances outside themselves.

    • (02:53) Why Mom Of Four Says She Can’t Stop Shoplifting by Dr. Phil Channel

    • (05:55) Shoplifting Addiction and Kleptomania cs and Shoplifters Anonymous on Oprah with Terrence Shulman by TheShulmanCenter

    • (03:00) When Stealing is an Addiction (Mental Health Guru) by Healthguru

    • (02:14) Curing Kleptomania by University of Minnesota

    • (01:22) Terrence Shulman interviewed on Entertainment Tonight (ET) about Lindsa Lohan's shoplifting arrest by TheShulmanCenter

    • (03:02) Kleptomania: Understanding the mental disorder by KRIS 6 News

    • (13:07) Shoplifting Addiction and Kleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous--featuring Terrence Shulman by TheShulmanCenter

    • (18:23) Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes) | Dan Ariely by TEDx Talks

  • 6

    Chapter 6: The Psychology of Theft and Stealing

    • What makes someone more likely to steal and feel justified in doing so? Is not having food ample justification for stealing food? Does not having enough money to pay the bills make stealing money seem morally acceptable?

    • Kleptomania is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need and that usually have little value. Kleptomania is a rare but serious mental health disorder that can cause emotional pain if not treated.

    • (18:45) Chatting About the Psychology of Theft with Dr. Robert Tyminski by hankschannel Channel

    • (18:01) Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson by TED

    • (10:05) Why Usually Honest People Shoplift; They are not Kleptomaniacs! by Dr Will Cupchik

    • (13:47) Honest liars -- the psychology of self-deception: Cortney Warren at TEDxUNLV by TEDx Talks Channel

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Freedom From Compulsive Stealing/Theft

    • Gains and Losses: Helping People Stop Stealing- The psychiatric disorder that can explain why some people steal.

    • The Shoplifters Recovery Treatment Program (SRTP) People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. | Roger B. Porter

    • The Girl Who Wouldn't Stop Stealing: once a therapeutic alliance is established, she reveals that she experiences increased anxiety before stealing and feels pleasure during the theft.

    • Pathways Institute for Impulse Control 415-267-6916 SHOPLIFTING / STEALING QUESTIONNAIRE

    • (14:48) Freedom from Compulsive Stealing by Kathryn Pelliccia

    • (13:00) Learn To Stop Shoplifting Demo by Tom Monson

    • (11:54) Reality Therapy Role-Play - Treating Kleptomania with Alternative Behaviors by Dr. Todd Grande

  • 8

    Chapter 8: The Philosophy of Behavior Modification

    • Our Wellness Philosophy Wellness is a multifaceted approach to living that promotes being well in all areas of life. It is more than just the absence of disease or illness. Being well requires active engagement, making the choices that support wellness.

    • Behavior Modification and the Image of Humanity Are you conditioned to believe that we only are our reinforcement histories?

    • (05:24) PHILOSOPHY – Epicurus by The School of Life

    • (05:54) Plato's Crito: Socrates' 3 Rules for Ethical Thinking by The Philosophical Life

    • (10:27) Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (Animated) by Eudaimonia

    • (10:06) Napoleon Hill - Setting Goals, Behavior Change by Matt Zavadil

    • (42:00) Marcus Aurelius-Best Lecture on Stoicism EVER! (full Virtual University lesson) by Dual by Nature

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

    • What's more important in determining life success—book smarts or street smarts? This question gets at the heart of an important debate contrasting the relative importance of cognitive intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ).

    • (05:28) What is Emotional Intelligence? By The School of Life

    • (10:28) IQ vs EQ (Emotional Intelligence) - Daniel Goleman EQ Book Summary

    • (12:14) Emotional Intelligence: Using the Laws of Attraction, D. Ivan Young

    • (08:14) How to Master Your Emotions by Freedom of Thought

    • (16:15) Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ by

    • (13:25) How To Train Your Mind To Be Stronger Than Your Feelings | Ralph Smart

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Stealing Consciousness or Lack Consciousness or Poverty Mentality- It's all the same.

    • “The most important thing to understand is that abundance begins in the mind. Choosing a belief system that cultivates abundance is crucial.” ~ Deepak Chopra

    • (14:51) Abraham Hicks How to Overcome Shortage Consciousness by Inner FreedomSystem

    • (05:28) Altered States of Consciousness: There’s Nothing Supernatural About It | Jamie Wheal by Big Think

    • (45:32) The Power Of Consciousness w/Dr. Bruce Lipton and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

  • 11

    Chapter 11: The Science of Responsibility: Why, When and How to Take It.

    • Entitlement comes from an attitude of “don’t you know who I am?” It is inherently egocentric because it begins by making sure that others know who you are and what you are entitled to.

    • Entitlement, responsibility, and authority—these three facets of personal relationships must always exist in conjunction with one another. If you try to add or remove one, then you will inevitably add or remove all three.

    • (24:07) RESPONSIBILITY (Why, When and How To Take It) - Teal Swan -

    • (20:59) Entitlement (The Shadow Side of Deserving) - Teal Swan -

    • (14:51) Abraham Hicks How to Overcome Shortage Consciousness by Inner FreedomSystem

    • (03:01) The Science of Stealing by John Woodruff Channel

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Abundance/Plenty Consciousness and the Role of Confidence

    • You create abundance from the inside out. And you do that by changing what you focus on. Instead of thinking about the past, your current circumstances or the state of the economy, you think about the abundant life you want—and you do it often.

    • Focus like a Legend Our new Chief Music Officer, John Legend, is here to help you zone in on what matters most with a special selection of Focus music and artists, only on Headspace.

    • (03:56) Bashar :: The Seven Neutral Needs - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka

    • (09:27) Abraham-Hicks : Moving From Poverty To Abundance - The Leading Edge by LiveYourHappiness

    • (12:27) Mind Power - Train Your Brain For Success & Abundance. Harness The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind! by Miles Beckler

    • (05:09) 💜 ELAN SHARING ~ Abundance is a Flow by The Impersonal Life

    • (17:22) Sadhguru On How to Manifest What You Really Want #LawOfAttraction by Sadhguru

  • 13

    Chapter 13: The Conscious, The Subconscious and The Superconscious, Explained

    • The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea. No person or circumstance can force you to think any thoughts you do not want. This is important! The thoughts you choose—whether they come from outside or inside—will eventually determine your life.

    • I believe we are all here to find ways to express our unique skills and talents, and to promote the overall good of the world around us. Though we may be born with gifts and abilities, they need to be discovered and nurtured in order to flourish.

    • (18:17) The Subconscious Mind How To Program It For Success with Bob Proctor by Law of Attraction Channel

    • (17:07) Understanding the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind by Conscious Reality Creator

    • (11:25) 13 Spooky Facts About Your Subconscious Mind by TopThink

    • (01:30:00) Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief @ UPLIFT 2012 by UPLIFT

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Philosophy of Impulse Control

    • Philosophically, self-control has its roots in ancient efforts to explain intentional actions. In De Motu Animalium, Aristotle asks: “How does it happen that thinking is sometimes followed by action and sometimes not, sometimes by motion, sometimes not?”

    • (12:55) Marcus Aurelius – How To Build Self Discipline (Stoicism) by Philosophies for Life

    • (14:16) Epictetus - LIFE CHANGING Quotes – STOICISM by Everyday Stoic

    • (10:17) PLATO - Incredible Life Changing Quotes [Stoicism] Part 1 by Everyday Stoic

    • (04:42) 4 Lessons On Self Discipline From Stoic Philosophers by Therealizedman

    • (13:28) Jordan Peterson: Overcoming self-defeating behaviors

    • (13:00) Alan Watts - The limits of self-control by Always in the Now

  • 15

    Chapter 15: The Philosophy of Decision Making

    • Decision theory is concerned with the reasoning underlying an agent’s choices, whether this is a mundane choice between taking the bus or getting a taxi, or a more far-reaching choice about whether to pursue a demanding political career.

    • How do decision making processes work with Openness? When you are deciding, your beliefs, desires, wishes, hopes, habits, reasoning, all feed into a tiny neural roulette wheel in your head. The wheel has a thousand slots. The slots represent outcomes.

    • (03:15) Who Was Socrates? – 8-Bit Philosophy by Wisecrack

    • (20:17) Socrates: Question Everything by Biographics

    • (12:30) Game Theory - The Pinnacle of Decision Making by the Quintisential Mind

    • (23:05) Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan

    • (09:48) Game Theory: The Science of Decision-Making by SciShow

    • (06:22) How to Make a Decision by The School of Life

  • 16

    Chapter 16: The Essentials of Success According to Success Consciousness Philosophy

    • Napoleon Hill presented the notion of a "Definite Major Purpose" as a challenge to his readers to ask themselves, "In what do I truly believe?" According to Hill, "98%" of people had few or no strong beliefs, which made success unlikely.

    • (59:00) Napoleon Hill The Five Essentials Of Success by Brian Scott Channel



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