This eCourse is certified for use in court or probation

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eCourse for Court or Probation

Take this 100% online evidence based eCourse if you were ordered by a Judge or Court System Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes a proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $50 per session hour. Please call to schedule #936-444-7508


Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

Online course for court or probation

Call to schedule coaching; $50 per session hour-: #936-444-7508

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Rock-bottom Self Improvement Coaching

    • (18:15) TYRESE GIBSON: I LOVE YOU --I REPEAT-- I LOVE YOU by National Court Ordered Education Institute

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: You Will Grow Through What You Go Through

    • (17:47) TYRESE GIBSON: Every Struggle Every Pain

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Your Attitude Has Compromised Your Altitude

    • (16:46) TYRESE GIBSON - CAPACITY: REACHING YOUR BREAKING POINT By National Court Ordered Education Institute

    • Anybody who loves themselves would never continue staying around people, things and situations that you know is bringing misery, drama and dysfunction into your life. So what is your capacity? How much can you take? How much can you tolerate?

    • Survey: Capacity and Breaking Points

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Mental Processes and Thinking Faculties

    • (16:52) Bob Proctor - Why Is Success Slipping Through Your Fingers by the SGR Program Bob Proctor

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Why Success is Slipping Through Your Fingers

    • (40:44) Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich Condensed and Narrated by Earl Nightingale

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Leadership and Integrity with Marcus Aurelius

    • (10:27) Marcus Aurelius: Meditations (Animated) by Eudaimonia by Eudaimonia

    • (15:24) Marcus Aurelius - How To Live Your Life (Stoicism) by Philosophies For Life

    • (12:55) Marcus Aurelius – How To Build Self Discipline (Stoicism) by Philosophies For Life

    • (16:03) Marcus Aurelius - How To Build Your Self Confidence (Stoicism) by Philosophies For Life

    • (31:13) Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - SUMMARIZED - (22 Stoic Principles) by Vox Stoica

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Philosophy With Marcus Aurelius

  • 4

    Chapter 4: The Biology of Psychology

    • (01:30:00) Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief @ UPLIFT 2012 by UPLIFT

  • 5

    Chapter 5: The Psychology of Behavior Modification and Long Lasting Behavior Change

    • We adjust our behavior based on feedback we receive from others. Joking around with our significant other after a long and hard day at work will be perceived differently than a day in which he/she received an exemplary performance evaluation.

    • To study the world around us you must wonder about it. This inquisitive nature is the hallmark of critical thinking, or our ability to assess claims made by others and make objective judgments that are independent of emotion and based on hard facts.

    • “In change, timing is everything” and nine processes are involved. A few of interest are countering in which we substitute healthy responses for unhealthy ones, helping relationships or asking for help from loved ones so you don’t have to go it alone.

    • (03:26) How to Handle Acting Impulsively : Behavior Management by eHow Channel

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Lack Consciousness Versus Abundance Consciousness

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Behavior Modification & Cognitive Restructuring = Learning

    • Donald Meichenbaum is a psychologist noted for his contributions to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).1 He developed a therapeutic technique called cognitive behavior modification (CBM), which focuses on identifying dysfunctional self-talk.

    • For the negative predictions example, you might ask yourself what other outcomes are possible. Try these three questions: What's the worst possible thing that could happen? The best possible thing that could happen? The most realistic?*

    • (29:36) Learning=Behavior Change by Leo Gura

    • (12:26) How to Become More Disciplined (SELF DISCIPLINE) Master Self Control by Ralph Smart

    • (23:22) How to Stop Expecting The Worst (Catastrophizing) -Teal Swan

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

    • What's more important in determining life success—book smarts or street smarts? This question gets at the heart of an important debate contrasting the relative importance of cognitive intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ).

    • (05:28) What is Emotional Intelligence? By The School of Life

    • (16:15) Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ by

    • (08:14) How to Master Your Emotions by Freedom of Thought

    • (13:25) How To Train Your Mind To Be Stronger Than Your Feelings | Ralph Smart

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • 8

    Chapter 8: The Conscious, The Subconscious and The Superconscious, Explained

    • The conscious mind can accept or reject any idea. No person or circumstance can force you to think any thoughts you do not want. This is important! The thoughts you choose—whether they come from outside or inside—will eventually determine your life.

    • I believe we are all here to find ways to express our unique skills and talents, and to promote the overall good of the world around us. Though we may be born with gifts and abilities, they need to be discovered and nurtured in order to flourish.

    • (18:17) The Subconscious Mind How To Program It For Success with Bob Proctor by Law of Attraction Channel

    • (17:07) Understanding the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind by Conscious Reality Creator

    • (11:25) 13 Spooky Facts About Your Subconscious Mind by TopThink

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Philosophy of Impulse Control

    • Philosophically, self-control has its roots in ancient efforts to explain intentional actions. In De Motu Animalium, Aristotle asks: “How does it happen that thinking is sometimes followed by action and sometimes not, sometimes by motion, sometimes not?”

    • (12:55) Marcus Aurelius – How To Build Self Discipline (Stoicism) by Philosophies for Life

    • (14:16) Epictetus - LIFE CHANGING Quotes – STOICISM by Everyday Stoic

    • (10:17) PLATO - Incredible Life Changing Quotes [Stoicism] Part 1 by Everyday Stoic

    • (04:42) 4 Lessons On Self Discipline From Stoic Philosophers by Therealizedman

    • (13:28) Jordan Peterson: Overcoming self-defeating behaviors

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Breaking Cycles of Pain and Creating Habits For Success

    • Knowing how to break bad habits is worth its weight in gold. I say that because, while good habits will generate the results you want in life, bad habits can destroy everything. I’ll be the first to admit that I have some habits that don’t serve me well

    • People who regularly achieve their goals, no matter how big they are, don’t do it by behaving like everyone else. One thing they typically have in common is consistently practicing success habits, every single day.

    • (05:22) TYRESE GIBSON: Why this Keeps Happening to me, HELP! by National Court Ordered Education Institute Channel

    • (18:31) TYRESE GIBSON: The Real Reson You Can't Find Joy #BlackRose by National Court Ordered Education Institute Channel

    • (07:28) Create Successful Habits | Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

    • (15:51) One HABIT That Will Change Your World - Bob Proctor by Proctor Gallagher Institute

  • 11

    Chapter 11: The Philosophy of Decision Making

    • Decision theory is concerned with the reasoning underlying an agent’s choices, whether this is a mundane choice between taking the bus or getting a taxi, or a more far-reaching choice about whether to pursue a demanding political career.

    • How do decision making processes work with Openness? When you are deciding, your beliefs, desires, wishes, hopes, habits, reasoning, all feed into a tiny neural roulette wheel in your head. The wheel has a thousand slots. The slots represent outcomes.

    • (03:15) Who Was Socrates? – 8-Bit Philosophy by Wisecrack

    • (20:17) Socrates: Question Everything by Biographics

    • (12:30) Game Theory - The Pinnacle of Decision Making by the Quintisential Mind

    • (09:48) Game Theory: The Science of Decision-Making by SciShow

    • (06:22) How to Make a Decision by The School of Life

    • (23:05) Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan

  • 12

    Chapter 12: The Essentials of Success According to Success Consciousness Philosophy

    • Napoleon Hill presented the notion of a "Definite Major Purpose" as a challenge to his readers to ask themselves, "In what do I truly believe?" According to Hill, "98%" of people had few or no strong beliefs, which made success unlikely.

    • (59:00) Napoleon Hill The Five Essentials Of Success by Brian Scott Channel

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: The Five Essentials of Success

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Analyzing Fear and Anxiety- Is Fear Just an Illusion?

    • Fear and love are your two basic emotions. All of the other emotions, without exceptions, are produced by these two sentiments. Fear is the energy that contracts and destroys you, while love is the energy that develops and builds you.

    • What if fear simply existed to reflect back to you what requires healing within you? What if the majority of your worry, doubt and resentment was really anchored to something much deeper? And that through unlocking THIS – you could be free?

    • (05:53) How To Beat Fear And Anxiety | Jordan Peterson | Powerful Life Advice -Channel: Word to the Wise

    • (28:17) How to Overcome Any Fear (According To A Psychologist) Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (14:12) How to Overcome Subconscious Childhood Trauma by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (03:28) Bashar :: The Spectrum of Fear - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Daryl Anka

    • (04:59) Bashar :: The Five Forms of Abundance - Highlights by Bashar Channeled by Daryl Anka

    • (21:51) Indecision (Decisions and Indecisiveness) - Teal Swan -

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Dealing With Loneliness, Depression and Powerlessness

    • Loneliness is reaching endemic proportions in our society, reflected by rising suicide rates and increased mental illness. Now, more than ever we need to find a way to connect. Loneliness, is a feeling of separation or isolation...

    • (59:00) Loneliness: An Epidemic in our Society and Why We Need to Change - Teal Swan Speech London 2018

    • (22:46) Belonging and How to Belong - Teal Swan

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Healthy Relationships 101: Understanding the Basics

    • What Does A Healthy Relationship Look Like To You? “Respect, honesty, and kindness.” – Sheena “Respect, patience, and honesty.” – Marie “Communication, respect, and loving each other.” – Jordan Honestly, love, compassion, trust, and loyalty.” – Dustin

    • What is a Healthy Relationship? Different people define relationships in different ways. But in order for a relationship to be healthy, it needs a few key ingredients! Like Healthy Communication.

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (22:58) How to Recognize You're Better With Someone Or Without Them [Coca-Cola Vs. Water] | Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (35:35) 10 Tips For a Successful Relationship - Teal Swan

    • (18:31) Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship Leo Gura

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Confidence and Integrity- Follow Your Highest Excitement with Integrity.

    • The single most powerful step you can take to improve your confidence and power in the world is to restore your integrity. This checklist identifies ways that you can leak personal power and confidence and how you can build reserves.

    • Confident people are true to themselves. They honor who they really are and will do things that honor their true selves, despite what others may say or think. When people are true to themselves they feel more comfortable, and that produces confidence.

    • Self-esteem built on the foundation of integrity gives you the confidence to increase your awareness of yourself, so you can understand yourself without judgment.

    • (18:24) How To Be More Confident - A Step-by-Step Process for Becoming Truly Confident Leo Gura

    • (11:33) How To Be Confident In Any Situation Channel Charisma On Command

    • (13:10) How To Be Confident In Any Situation | Ralph Smart Channel Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • Question, Answer, Feedback: LEADERSHIP = CONFIDENCE & INTEGRITY