eCourse for court or probation

Take this 100% online course if you were ordered by a Judge or Court Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $50 per session hour -includes weekly summary letters - Please call to schedule, #936-444-7508

This eCourse is certified for use in court or probation

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Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

eCourse Curriculum

Rehabilitative Psychoeducation

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Animal Lovers Rescue Impact Panel (RIP)

    • Supported by animal-lovers like you for over 50 years, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) works around the globe to rescue and rehabilitate animals, end illegal wildlife trade, and conserve habitats.

    • Thanks to its volunteers, AAR saves over 500 dog and cat lives each year. We need your help in dog care, cat care, office work, fundraising/event planning, and yard work.

    • (08:25) Amazing Animals Hugging People Compilation - YouTube

    • (08:36) 7 Strongest Friendships Between Humans and Wild Animals - YouTube

    • (03:48) Everyone warned him to not meet the gorilla he raised ❤️ 🥺 - YouTube

    • (08:55) Animals Reunited With Owners After Years ! - YouTube

    • (19:57) 15 Times Humans Rescued Animals, And Got Thanked In The Cutest Way - YouTube

  • 2

    Chapter 2: What is Animal Abuse? Animal Abuse and the Law

    • What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? Animal abuse can take many forms: it includes not only obvious forms of abuse such as killing or physically hurting animals, but also includes keeping wild animals in captivity.

    • Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. The law defines animal cruelty as any action or neglect that causes unnecessary pain or suffering. Animal cruelty is a felony in Texas.

    • COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call For Our Abuse Of Animals Our use and abuse of animals has demanded change for a long time. This pandemic has shown us the life or death consequences of failing to act.

    • We all know the US is a country that loves and spoils pets, so there’s no surprise that animal abuse laws have been getting more strict throughout the years.

    • The History Of Puppy Mills And Why You Should Care This blog addresses the state of puppy mills in the U.S., their history, numbers and the impact they have on puppies.

    • FARMED ANIMAL FUNDAMENTALS Food production kills billions of animals each year. That’s more than all other forms of animal use combined. Millions more farmed animals suffer in cruel confinement.

    • (03:45) What is Animal Cruelty? - Phoenix Pets - YouTube

    • (04:20) Trump signs federal law banning animal cruelty - YouTube

    • (02:05) New law makes animal cruelty a felony - YouTube

    • (02:05) Animal Abuse Law - YouTube

    • (02:19) California "Animal Abuse" Laws | Penal code 597 PC - YouTube

    • (01:30) What new animal abuse law means locally - YouTube

    • QUIZ: Animal Abuse and the Law

  • 3

    Chapter 3: What is Animal Cruelty? The Psychology of Animal Abuse

    • Animal cruelty is causing harm to an animal whether by purposeful action or neglect. Though certain activities are broadly accepted as cruel, such as animal fighting, the specific actions considered animal cruelty vary from individual to individual.

    • The Psychology of Animal Torture: Why would anyone want to deliberately inflict pain on animals? A number of criminological studies have shown that around a third to a half of all sexual murderers have abused animals during childhood and/or adolescence.

    • The tendency to enact cruelty toward animals is closely linked to a mental illness. Such psychological pathologies seriously affect a person's ability to feel and reason. Some personality disorders may be likely to induce animal abuse as a symptom.

    • Studies have suggested that individuals who are cruel to animals are more likely to be violent to humans. The FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one trait that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers.

    • (26:49) 11 Signs a Child May Become a Psychopath | Psychopathic Risk Factors - YouTube

    • (04:52) Clinical Psychologist on animal abuse - YouTube

    • (05:26) The psychology of animal abuse - YouTube

    • (02:42) Psychologist looks into why teens abuse animals - YouTube

    • (03:57) Animal Abuse by Children - YouTube

    • (05:18) Jordan Peterson - How Narcissistic Psychopaths Fool You - YouTube

    • (05:09) Richard Dawkins: No Civilized Person Accepts Slavery So Why Do We Accept Animal Cruelty? | Big Think - YouTube

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Laws that Protect Animals

    • Laws that Protect Animals: In the United States, animal protection laws can be enacted and enforced at every level of government. Most animal protection legislation happens at the state level. There are also a handful of federal animal protection laws.

    • Depending on the severity of the case, those convicted of animal cruelty can be imprisoned. Appropriate sentencing can also include individual or family counseling, community service, placement in a diversion program and a prohibition on ownership.

    • State animal cruelty laws punish a wide range of behavior, from torturing animals to not providing proper shelter or veterinary care.

    • The FBI Animal Cruelty Database: . The NIBRS database will now include all animal cruelty cases investigated by participating law enforcement agencies, which will fall under four categories: gross neglect, torture, organized abuse, sexual abuse.

    • (01:18) Criminal Laws to Protect Animals? | 30 Second Animal Law - YouTube

    • (01:18) What Laws Protect Animals who are Raised for Food? | 30 Second Animal Law - YouTube


  • 5

    Chapter 5: How to Be More Empathetic and Compassionate

    • (16:53) How to develop empathy skills - YouTube

    • (08:44) HOW TO BE MORE EMPATHIC (and why it is NOT the same as having sympathy) - YouTube

    • (12:55) Compassion (And How To Cultivate Compassion) - Teal Swan - YouTube

    • (09:05) Dr. Jordan Peterson's advice to people who lack empathy - YouTube

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Emotional Support and Special Service Animals

    • Service dogs play a vital role in the lives of people with disabilities, ranging from autism to muscular dystrophy. These loving animals help their owners perform day-to-day tasks, and some are specially trained for people with diabetes, epilepsy, or PTSD

    • Dogs For Better Lives | Hearing, Autism, Facility Dogs‎ - Hearing Assistance Dogs Trained to alert people to household sounds that are necessary for everyday safety and independence.

    • 10 Types of Service Dogs and What They Do The list of types of service dogs is constantly growing — as is the diversity of service dog breeds that help people.

    • The researchers settled on capuchin monkeys, who weigh six or seven pounds as adults. The monkeys are quick learners, able to manipulate objects, and not typically aggressive, making them suitable service animals.

    • Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, Inc. was founded to raise and train capuchin monkeys to provide daily assistance to people living with spinal cord injury or other mobility impairments.

    • PDF DOWNLOAD - rights-responsibilities-using-service-animals-twc

    • (04:01) A Guide to Understanding Service Animals - YouTube

    • (05:54) 8 Things You Should Know About Service Animals - YouTube

    • (03:41) What is a Service Dog and Why Do People Need Them to Survive? | Operation Ouch | Nugget - YouTube

    • (02:19) Helping Hands: Matching Capuchins with Those in Need - YouTube

    • (02:33) After an Injury, These Primates Will Lend a Helping Hand - YouTube

    • (03:17) Life with a helper monkey - 2009-05-14 - YouTube

    • (02:45) Kasey's capable hands - YouTube

    • (02:58) Meet Michael and his monkey helper Kathy - Monkeys in a Minute - YouTube

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Primates Do Not Make Good Pets

    • Primates Are Wild Animals, Not Pets! A pet primate may seem cute, but keeping them is a risky and inhumane practice.

    • Keeping Capuchin monkeys as pets is no walk in the park. This article provides some interesting facts and also a few care-taking instructions regarding these animals.

    • Welcome back to the Primate Care Site. We hope that you and your families have been able to remain healthy during this world pandemic. Although I have not been able to resume taking the monkeys of SunShine MonkeyShines out to meet the public.

    • (27:07) In Their Own Words: The Sad Stories of Pet Primates - YouTube

    • (09:32) The problem with keeping primates as pets - YouTube

    • (03:30) Do monkeys make good pets? (UK) - BBC - 28th April 2016 - YouTube


    • (02:46) Caring For Chimpanzees As They Age - YouTube

    • (04:49) 5 Reasons Why Monkeys Should Never Ever Be Pets | PetMonkey - YouTube

    • (11:14) 8 Reasons Why You Should NOT Own A Monkey! || Mojothemonkey - YouTube

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Legal and Ethical Issues of Wild Animals as Pets

    • The Exotic Pet Trade Looking to buy a wild animal as a pet? Hopefully we can change your mind.

    • Inside the Exotic Pet Trade To get an idea of the scope of the illegal exotic pet trade, consider this: The illegal trade in wildlife is second only to that of drugs in the United States, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

    • Siti is a young macaque who was rescued from the illegal pet trade in Malaysia. She is currently living alone at a wildlife park in Sabah and we urgently need your help to transport her back to her native home in Indonesia.

    • Keeping wild animals as pets can be appealing, but it is important to remember that keeping a wild animal as a pet is associated with many potential problems, not to mention legal and ethical issues. Keeping wild animals as pets requires time and money.

    • Millions of exotic animals are sold every year around the world. Most are sent to live in private citizen’s backyards and homes. Some exotic pets are bred in captivity, but more are captured from their native homes illegally.

    • When people succumb to the temptation to purchase “exotic” animals such as hedgehogs, macaws, lizards, and monkeys—even tigers and bears—from stores, auctions, or the Internet in order to keep them as “pets,” it often leads to pain and death.

    • (03:22) Why wild animals don't make good pets - YouTube

    • (18:42) 15 Most Dangerous Animals Kept As Pets - YouTube

    • (03:48) WILD ANIMALS AS PETS? 🐺 Is it OK to Keep Exotic Animals? - YouTube

    • (03:22) Living With Tigers: Family Share Home With Pet Tigers - YouTube

    • (10:30) 😻 10 unusual pets. How did they tamed wild animals? 🐿️🦆🐗 - YouTube

    • (10:23) How to Tame Every Animal - YouTube

  • 9

    Chapter 9: The Laws of Physics: What is the Law of Attraction?

    • PHYSICS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: I OBSERVE, THEREFORE I AM. The Law of Attraction has become a household word. Suddenly it has come to be the buzzword amongst those studying ways in which to enrich and enhance life.


  • 10

    Chapter 10: Factory Farm Rescue Impact Panel (RIP)

    • Factory farms pollute the environment and our drinking water, ravage rural communities, and harm the welfare of animals—while increasing corporate control over our food. Factory farming is an unsustainable method of raising food animals.

    • Animal suffering in our world is diverse and immense. But the magnitude of human-caused animal suffering inflicted on farmed animals dwarfs all other categories.

    • (06:43) How a FACTORY FARM became a vegan animal SANCTUARY! - YouTube

    • (12:00) These Farm Animals Got a Chance at Life | NowThis - YouTube

    • (05:17) Pig Rescue! by Viva! and Dean Farm Animal Sanctuary (February 2017) - YouTube

    • (03:00) Guy Quits His Job To Rescue Animals | Dodo Heroes - YouTube

    • (01:55) Eight Pigs Rescued After Lifetime of Torture | PETA Animal Rescues - YouTube

    • (03:02) Second Largest Farm Animal Rescue Effort in U.S. History - YouTube

    • (11:21) This Farm Became a Sanctuary for Animals After Tragedy - YouTube

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Animal Abandonment and Neglect

    • Millions of cats and dogs die from people abandoning their pets every year. Animal Abandonment is a problem all around the world. Animal Abandonment is if a person leaves an animal without further care.

    • Everyday, shelters and animal NGOs are struggling with the increasing rate of abandonment, and the sad part is, most of these animals are left to die a slow painful lonely death unless they are lucky enough to be rescued.

    • Animal abandonment means leaving behind an animal alone or permitting the animal to be abandoned in circumstances which might cause harm to the animal. Owner of the animal is answerable for the suffering caused to the animal. This is a serious crime.

    • (03:39) Do Not Abandon Your Pet - YouTube

    • (07:32) Emaciated Horse Rescued In Time To Save Her Life | Animal Cops Houston - YouTube

    • (03:35) Dog Doesn't Realize He's Being Abandoned – Then Rescuers Discover Heartbreaking Truth - YouTube

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Animal Human Friendships

    • (58:43) Can Animals Have Friendships With Humans? | Animal Odd Couples | Animal Adventures - YouTube

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Equine Rescuers Arrive on the Scene

    • In cooperation with the Colorado State University Orthopaedic Research Center, the University of Tennessee (in 2004) developed the only university-based, RACE approved credential program in equine rehabilitation.

    • (25:00) Horse Rescue Heroes: Auction Rescue - YouTube

    • (07:33) Emaciated Horse Rescued In Time To Save Her Life | Animal Cops Houston - YouTube

    • (06:32) The worst rescue horse we have ever seen. Dory's full Story. Tenerife horse rescue - YouTube

    • (04:36) Remarkable Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation - YouTube

    • (03:24) Rescue Horse With 30-Pound Hooves Can Walk Again - YouTube

  • 14

    Chapter 14: RIP Rescue Impact Panel for Primates

    • A Sanctuary for Primates In Need The Primate Rescue Center is a nonprofit sanctuary providing lifetime care to nearly 50 primates, including a group of 8 chimpanzees and a variety of monkey species.

    • (34:10) Virtual Field Trip: Primate Rescue Center - YouTube

    • (07:33) MainStreet - "Primate Rescue Center" - YouTube

    • (05:36) Rescue of Baby Monkey with Broken Hip - YouTube

    • (06:18) No More Chains - Woron's Rescue - YouTube

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Who Benefits from an Animal Rescue?

    • (03:18) Fearful, aggressive dog close to dying transforms to sweet and loving - Lena's story - Takis shelter - YouTube

    • (04:02) Poor Puppy is battling maggots, Parasite and hunger - Animal Rescue Video 2021 - YouTube

    • (03:56) Puppy found hanged burned and tortured but got rescued and became happy again- Ozzy - Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (16:48) Top 10 most amazing animal rescue transformations of 2019 - Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (04:00) A German Shepherd tied to a tree. They tied him to keep the sheep away - Rex's story - Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (03:33) Aggressive dog turns sweetheart and thanks her rescuer by adopting puppies - Faith - Takis Shelter - YouTube

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Rescue Impact Panel Takis No Cage No Kill Shelter

    • Takis Shelter - 491K subscribers - "My feelings are mixed about my dogs, sad and happy." Takis

    • (05:08) People from all over the world visit this no cage, no kill shelter where dogs run free-Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (07:27) Amazing transformation of two puppies nearly petrified by mange - Thelma & Louise - Takis shelter - YouTube

    • (03:06) Aggressive dog gives in to hugs for first time after rescue from his aggressive owner -Takis shelter - YouTube

    • (04:29) Dog abandoned paralyzed in the sea. Everybody told him to put it down- Black's Story - Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (04:17) They threw puppies in the landfill to be buried alive - Iggy's rescue - Takis shelter - YouTube

    • (04:40) Ivan had a very hard life and he needs work, I will help him ❤️ - Takis Shelter - YouTube

    • (02:39) Bella is much better, even if she is 12 years old her wounds recover and she can use her leg again - YouTube

    • (08:00) Small puppy was found in terrible condition, abandoned in a cemetery alone and helpless. - YouTube

    • (06:57) Bear Chained For Selfies Finally Runs Free + Animals Freedom Stories | The Dodo Top 5 - YouTube

    • (01:55) Eight Pigs Rescued After Lifetime of Torture | PETA Animal Rescues - YouTube

    • (10:56) Pregnant Horse Rescued from Auction and Slaughter - YouTube
