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Safety First Awareness Education

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Take this 100% online evidence based eProgram if you were mandated to enroll in risk prevention, safety first awareness rehabilitation education. Includes a worksheet/journal and a certificate of completion. 

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Drugs & Alcohol Awareness Series eCourse Curriculum

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    • Download and save your "WORKSHEET JOURNAL SURVEY" as proof of your efforts (download icon is at the top right corner)

    • (03:56) Bashar :: The Seven Neutral Needs - Highlights Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka 159K subscribers

    • US DOT-SAP Safety-First Risk Prevention Mandated Education Requirements Quiz

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    Chapter 1: Drugs and Alcohol Series Including Prescription /street Drugs and Cannabis

    • The Truth About Drugs: Drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century. Popularized in the 1960s by music and mass media, they invade all aspects of society. An estimated 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs.

    • (06:00) What is a drug? | Health | Biology | FuseSchool - YouTube

    • (05:03) The dangers of mixing drugs - Céline Valéry - YouTube

    • (06:08) What does Heroin do to your brain and body? | Earth Lab by Channel BBC Earth Lab

    • Alcoholism increases the likelihood of developing co-occurring conditions such as a substance use disorder. Mixing alcohol and other drugs together can lead to serious physical, behavioral and health complications.

    • Binge Drinking is often glamorized on TV and movies, but the truth is that there is nothing beautiful about it. Binge drinking involves a dangerous pattern of excessive alcohol consumption.

    • (15:01) Jordan Peterson on Alcohol by Channel Theo Von Clips

    • MAP OF MARIJUANA LEGALITY BY STATE: WONDERING WHAT THE LAW IS IN YOUR STATE? Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times.

    • Steering Clear of Trouble: An Exhaustive Guide to DOT Disqualifying Medications

    • (07:09) Cocaine: How 'Miracle Drug' Nearly Destroyed Sigmund Freud, William Halsted PBS NewsHour

    • Chapter 1 Quiz: US DOT-SAP Program Rules According to your SAP

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    Chapter 2: Risk Factors for Substance Abuse and Addiction

    • PRESENTATION: Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors.pdf

    • Risk Factors for Drug Abuse: Academic failure or lack of academic motivation Alienation from peers or family Anti-social behavior, including early aggressive behavior Early first use of drugs Drug availability in the community Improper parenting.

    • Research over the past two decades has tried to determine how drug abuse begins and how it progresses. Many factors can add to a person’s risk for drug abuse. Risk factors can increase a person’s chances for drug abuse, while protective factors reduce it.

    • (12:00) Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse by Channel Kahnacademymedicine

    • (04:41) What's the TRUTH Behind DRUG ADDICTION? by Channel Sci-Wise

    • Assini described himself as having a great potential until he dropped out of college and bottomed out after years of alcohol and drug abuse.

    • What does it mean when something like addiction or depression is genetically influenced? Are people who are at risk destined to develop problems? Psycologist Danielle Dick explores how our genes and our environments come together to influence addiction.

    • What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions.

    • (01:56) Why Cocaine Is So Incredibly Dangerous Institute of Human Anatomy

    • Chapter 2 Quiz: US DOT-SAP Risk Factors for Substance Abuse

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    Chapter 3: Drug Abuse, Addiction and the Rat Park Experiments

    • Volunteers at an overdose prevention site in Vancouver, Canada, say they saved the life of a rat named Snuggles after the little rodent overdosed on heroin.

    • (02:25) Johann Hari: What causes drug addiction? - YouTube

    • (05:41) Addiction (Kurzgesagt Archived video) by Channel Theatrum

    • (01:40) Addiction an the Rat Park Experiments - Short Version 14,908 views•Nov 16, 2016 by Channel Minute Videos Portfolio

    • (13:09) Understanding Addiction - Rat Park by Channel Let's Suffer Together

    • (04:52) Beating Drug Addiction - The Rat Park Experiment by Channel Wisdom Land

    • (16:14) Rat Park Documentary: Behind The Scenes by Channel VICE TV

    • (06:08) What does Heroin do to your brain and body? | Earth Lab by Channel BBC Earth Lab

    • 2-minute Neuroscience News: Effects of Cocaine and Addiction

    • Let's get real about Cocaine. Some drugs, including cocaine, can harm our physical apparatus (body). A medical doctor's opinion.

    • Chapter 3 Quiz: Substance Abuse and Addiction

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    Chapter 4: Addiction, Drug Dependence, Withdrawal and Tolerance

    • Tolerance, Dependence, Addiction: What's the Difference? Tolerance happens when a person no longer responds to a drug in the way they did at first. So it takes a higher dose of the drug to achieve the same effect as when the person first used it.

    • When people use the term “dependence,” they are usually referring to a physical dependence on a substance. Dependence is characterized by the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal.

    • One important thing to monitor is your drug tolerance. Of course, this is not the same thing as drug dependence, but the two can become related if tolerance is left unchecked.

    • From drugs to power. From the lack of love to the desire to escape oneself, from susceptibility of the being to interior power -- nothing escapes. And he risks a generic and generous prescription: "Find your nature and be nice to yourself."

    • (05:48) Anxiety Hangover After Drinking? Why do I have so much anxiety the day after drinking? by Channel

    • (06:59) Overcoming Addiction - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO FINALLY BEAT IT

    • (19:01) Let's quit abusing drug users - YouTube

    • Two Minute News: How does cocaine effect the brain? How Drugs Work Science Preview BBC

    • Chapter 4 Quiz: Addiction, Drug Dependence and Tolerance

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    Chapter 5: The Central Nervous System and Overdose

    • Definition: An overdose represents a pathologic level of drug toxicity—at such a magnitude that it overwhelms normal physiological functioning. Depending on what drug a person has taken, symptoms of an overdose vary.

    • An alcohol overdose happens when you drink more alcohol than your body can safely process. Generally, the body can safely process around 1 unit of pure alcohol per hour.

    • (10:07) Central Nervous System: Crash Course A&P #11 - YouTube

    • (01:41) Opioid and Narcotics Overdose Signs and Symptoms - YouTube

    • (05:10) What Happens To Your Body During an Overdose? - YouTube

    • (21:42) Anatomy of an Overdose - Full Version by Channel First Rule Films

    • (05:51) What Happens When You Overdose? - YouTube

    • (04:29) Effects of Alcohol on the Brain, Animation, Professional version. - YouTube

    • (05:24) Alcoholism, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. - YouTube

    • Medical Risks of Cocaine - Origin, Effects, Long Term Risks, Overdose - Doctor Explains

    • Chapter 5 Quiz: The Central Nervous System and Overdose

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    Chapter 6: Addiction and the Brain's Reward Centers

    • PRESENTATION: Brain Function, Reward Centers and Drug Abuse and Addiction.pdf

    • Lauren Windle took her first line of cocaine when she was eighteen a decision that marked the beginning of her journey into addiction. Now four years clean she shares her story of addiction, recovery and freedom, outlining the 12 steps to recovery.

    • Over the following 3 years, Paul was blacking out 6-7 nights per week until he eventually walked away from the bar. In this talk, Paul shares his struggles with addiction and how he used accountability and his voice to beat addiction.

    • Jo has a deep-rooted passion for identifying alternative approaches to healing from trauma and addiction. While her own struggle with substance abuse was certainly the catalyst to identifying non-traditional approaches to treatment.

    • A hugely successful actress who saw her personal life and career tested by addiction, Claudia shares her journey of overcoming alcoholism and offers fresh perspectives on alcohol use disorder treatments.

    • The Benefits of Using Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment: Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based treatment for addiction, which can also be used to treat a variety of other psychological difficulties.

    • (02:01) Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol? by Channel Inspire Malibu

    • (02:22) What is Heroin? Heroin Facts and Effects by Channel Duffy's Nappa Valley Rehab

    • What you need to know about cocaine. This presentation highlights new research about possible treatment options regarding cocaine addiction and over dose.

    • Chapter 6 Quiz: Addiction and the Brain's Reward Centers

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    Chapter 7: Drug Abuse and Addiction Intervention

    • Addiction and How To Overcome Addiction - Teal Swan Articles - Teal Swan Addiction and How To Overcome Addiction

    • (25:40) Addiction and How to Overcome Addiction Teal Swan @TealSwan.com

    • “How I slayed Addiction with Nature” boldly takes you on a journey from the darkest corner of the Universe to the most colorful horizons, speaking on conquering self-imposed mental blocks, finding your true self, and rediscovering the vitality of life.

    • (06:59) Overcoming Addiction - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO FINALLY BEAT IT by Channel Improvement Pill

    • How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System? What is a half-life? Using alcohol while using cocaine may indeed decrease its removal from the system. Read more on this topic here...

    • Chapter 7 Quiz: Addiction and How to Overcome Addiction

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    Chapter 8: Relapse and Freedom from Addiction

    • PRESENTATION: Drug Addiction and Abuse Support- Education and Coaching.pdf

    • Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug, including curiosity, peer pressure or stress and problems at work or home.

    • (22:18) Russell Brand: Freedom from Addiction Podcast (Part 1) by Channel Commune

    • A relapse is a period of deterioration after a period of improvement. Relapse can apply to any deterioration after improvement; but it is most often used in reference to addictions or recovery after an injury or illness.

    • (20:00) Having a Relapse? (Relapse Prevention, Recovery and How to Overcome Addiction Relapse) - Teal Swan - - YouTube

    • "How is cocaine addiction treated? In 2013, cocaine accounted for almost 6 percent of all admissions to drug abuse treatment programs." NIDA (nih.gov)

    • Chapter 8 Quiz: Understanding and Managing Relapse

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    Chapter 9: The Subconscious Mind and Addiction

    • Bruce H. Lipton, a renowned stem cell biologist and bestselling author of “The Biology of Belief”, has extensively explored the connection between the subconscious mind and various aspects of our lives, including addiction.

    • (59:00) How the Subconscious Keeps you Addicted | Bruce Lipton & Tommy Rosen by Channel Recovery 2.0

    • Chapter 9 Quiz: The Subconscious Mind and Addiction

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    Chapter 10: Addiction and Recovery

    • “Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery” is a personal film in which Russell Brand, a comedian and actor, reflects on his past addiction1. Ten years ago, he was addicted to heroin, his career was crashing and he was told he only had six months to live.

    • (56:58) Russell Brand From Addiction To Recovery by Channel Royal Centers

    • Chapter 10 Quiz: Addiction and Recovery

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    Chapter 11: Brain Science and Myths About Addiction

    • Opioids Are NOT the Lone Cause of Opioid Addiction: The reality is that not everyone who takes a painkiller becomes addicted. Many factors contribute to addiction, including the individual’s circumstances and their response to pain

    • Dr. Dispenza suggests that the solution to addiction is to teach people how to self-regulate their emotional states and create coherence in the brain and the heart. This can be achieved by practicing elevated emotions such as gratitude and appreciation.

    • (11:34) All you need to KNOW ABOUT THE ADDICTION and HOW TO STOP IT - DR. JOE DISPENZA - YouTube

    • (17:16) Train Your Brain To Break The Addiction - Dr. Joe Dispenza - YouTube


    • (22:54) "Drugs Aren't the Problem": Neuroscientist Carl Hart on Brain Science & Myths about Addiction - YouTube

    • Chapter 11 Quiz: Brain Science and Myths About Addiction

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    Chapter 12: How to Break a Bad Habit

    • A habit is an idea that has been planted in the garden of your subconscious mind and then repetitively fed. After a sufficient period of time, you act on the idea without giving it any conscious thought.

    • Forgiveness: Proctor emphasizes the power of forgiveness in overcoming personal hurdles. He suggests that holding onto resentment is like "drinking poison and hoping the other person dies"1. He encourages individuals to forgive others and themselves.

    • (02:48) How to Change Bad Habits by Bob Proctor - YouTube

    • (15:51) One HABIT That Will Change Your World - Bob Proctor - YouTube

    • (07:12) Change Your Habits, Change Your Life - YouTube

    • (07:28) Create Successful Habits | Bob Proctor - YouTube

    • (09:29) A Habit You Simply MUST Develop - YouTube

    • (16:52) Bob Proctor - Why Is Success Slipping Through Your Fingers by the SGR Program Bob Proctor

    • Chapter 12 Quiz: How to Break a Bad Habit

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    Chapter 13: The Deepest Root Cause of Addiction

    • What is it to Eliminate Addictions? The idea that you need to get rid of all the monkey's on your back. Addictions are holding you back from performing and feeling your best. Leo Gura @actualized.org

    • (37:38) Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction - YouTube

    • (18:54) Personal Development Blueprint - Eliminate Addictions - YouTube

    • Chapter 13 Quiz: The Deepest Root Cause of Addiction

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    Chapter 14: Is There a Holistic Treatment for Addiction?

    • Addiction is caused by deep programming coming from the emotional landscape of our parents, their relationship & what happened to us in our early childhood. Such as deep trauma that goes unresolved & stuck within our bodies & unconscious mnd.

    • Serenity Vista Addiction International Private Drug Rehab is a unique treatment center that emphasizes the importance of spiritual principles in addiction recovery.

    • (04:40) Is There A Holistic Treatment For Addiction? Ask Deepak Chopra! - YouTube

    • (02:29) Alcohol Pulls You Out of Presence - YouTube

    • (08:24) Drugs & Spirituality - Rising Above vs Falling Below Thinking | Eckhart Tolle & Russell Brand - YouTube

    • (14:07) Breaking Addiction to Negative Thinking - YouTube

    • (02:09) Elkhart Tolle Talks about Cannabis - YouTube

    • (13:29) How to get rid of Alcohol addiction and explore life? | Youth and Truth - YouTube

    • (10:07) Esther Hicks on addiction and emotional imbalance

    • Chapter 14 Quiz: The Holistic Treatment for Addiction

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    Chapter 15: The Law of Attraction and Addiction

    • Here’s the full list of Abraham Hicks processes from the book Ask And It Is Given. Each of the processes below are designed to help you get into the vortex so you can manifest your desires, based on wherever you are on the emotional scale.

    • (14:49) Rethinking All Addictions ~ Abraham Hicks - YouTube

    • (13:00) Abraham Hicks - Withdrawing From An Addiction

    • (13:49) The Vibration of Addiction: How I Released Codependency and How I Feel High Most Of The Time

    • (02:11) Bashar: Overcoming The Need to Dominate Others by Bashar Communications

    • Chapter 15 Quiz: LOA Processes That Help Addiction

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    Chapter 16: Motivation to Quit Addiction

    • According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, addiction is a "treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.

    • (06:30) QUIT ADDICTION motivational video. by Life Improvement

    • (28:28) Stop Your Addiction - Most Incredible Advice - Tony Robbins Motivation by Phillip K. Wheeler

    • (08:49) The #1 Reason You Cannot Beat Your Addiction- Best Motivational Video For Success in Life by Speckle of Hope

    • (16:38) Chris Herren Speaking on His Addiction Recovery Story | PeaceLove by PeaceLove

    • Chapter 16 Quiz: Motivation to Quit Addiction

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    Chapter 17: Hypnosis and Healing Addictive Behaviors

    • The Benefits of Using Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment, What Hypnosis Feels Like During Hypnotherapy, How Hypnotherapy Helps With Addiction, Healing Takes Time, Hypnotherapy Is Not an Instant Fix.

    • Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Join Marisa Peer As She Rapidly Rewires You With A Remarkable Neuroscientific Technique Used By Olympic Athletes, CEOs & The World’s Top Performers.

    • (12:53) One POWERFUL Solution to Stop All Your Addictions - Marisa Peer

    • (13:20) How To OVERCOME A Drug Addiction & Start RECOVERING | Marisa Peer

    • (02:08) Give Someone the Power to Say 'No' to Their Addictions with Hypnosis by Rapid Transformational Therapy

    • (28:51) Addiction Guided Meditation by Jason Stephenson - Topic

    • Chapter 17 Quiz: Hypnotherapy to Heal Addiction

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    Chapter 18: Hooked, Hacked and Hijacked Brain

    • There is sometimes a perception that addiction is something that either exists in a person’s character or does not. This idea can lead to a belief that a person who is struggling with addiction to a substance may have had one drink or tried one drug...

    • After her brother was diagnosed with the disease of addiction, Sam Fowler and her family had to change the way they lived their lives. In her talk, she tells about her experiences suffering from “the family disease."

    • Tara Conner, Miss USA 2006, shares her life-long struggle with addiction and what she has learned from 10 years of sobriety. Addicts are not bad people that need to get good, but sick people that need to get well.

    • Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and expert in the fields of nutrition, metabolism, stress and fitness. Triathlete and marathoner, Dr. Peeke is nationally known as the "doc who walks the talk"

    • (06:20) The Cycle Of Addiction - Unhook Yourself From The Modern World (E442) by Channel Russell Brand

    • Chapter 18 Quiz: The Cycle of Addiction

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    Chapter 19: Transcending Addiction Stigma

    • Ending the stigma of addiction With COVID-19 making the opioid epidemic worse, ending the stigma surrounding addiction is more important than ever.

    • There is a stigma which many assign to drug addicts, even long after they have overcome their addiction. Tony discusses how his first time smoking marijuana led to his eventual drug addiction, homelessness, prison, and finally redemption.

    • Heroin has a found a tragic foothold in Ohio. After the closing of the pill mills, the mexican drug enterprise took over where the opiates left off. Currently seven people die each day due to overdoses. Crystal Oertle is lucky to be alive after 12-years..

    • Why are some able to transcend their addiction while others are not? What do people really need to escape the shame of their addiction and achieve sustained recovery? Jacki's talk focuses on answering these questions.

    • What if people could change the way they view addiction? Kathryn Helgaas Burgum sheds light on the addiction crisis through personal storytelling and encouragement that addiction is treatable and recovery is possible.

    • The stigma against people with substance use disorders is a set of negative attitudes and stereotypes that can create barriers to treatment and make these conditions worse.

    • (05:12) How To Treat The Addict You Love! | Russell Brand by

    • Chapter 19 Quiz: Transcending Addiction Stigma

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    Chapter 20: Mindfulness Meditation for Drug Abuse Recovery

    • Have you ever wondered why it’s so much easier to worry than to relax? COVID-19 has us all on edge. We spend our days now planning how best to keep ourselves healthy. How Meditation and Mind-Body Programs Reduce Worry and Help You Stay Present

    • In terms of addiction, Gura has shared his own experiences with overcoming addiction. He has also created content on the topic, such as a video titled “Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction” on his website.

    • Studies investigating the link between substance use and meditation are ongoing. Recent evidence found mindfulness-based interventions like meditation could reduce the consumption of alcohol, cocaine and amphetamines.

    • (53:13) Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples, Leo Gura @Actualized.org

    • Chapter 20 Quiz: Meditation to Relieve Symptoms of Addiction

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    Chapter 21: Healing Toxic Relationships

    • This article explores 8 differences between healthy relationships and toxic relationships. For anyone who currently has a partner or wants one, the main goal should be to have a healthy relationship rather than a toxic one.

    • If you really thought about it, I bet you could come up with a description of what your perfect relationship would feel like. The relationship that you consciously want would be unconditionally loving and supportive, intimate and fun.

    • (21:41) The Hidden Truth About Dysfunctional Relationships - Teal Swan - @tealswan.com

    • (14:47) A Fatal Relationship Dynamic (And How To Solve It) - Teal Swan - @tealswan.com

    • (30:41) Teal Swan on avoiding Abuse and Loving Yourself

    • Chapter 21 Quiz: Avoiding Abuse an Loving Yourself

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    Chapter 22: Creating Healthy Relationships

    • Five Behaviors To Build Healthy Relationships With Anyone Trust is built and sustained with five practices that work in your organization, classroom, or home

    • (26:32) 10 RULES OF A RELATIONSHIP, Criminologist and Psychologist Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep) Channel

    • (17:33) How to Attract A Water Relationship by Psychologist and Criminologist Ralph Smart @ralphsmart.com

    • (10:33) How to Create a Safe Relationship - Teal Swan @tealswan.com

    • Chapter 22 Quiz: Improving Relationships and Recovery

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    Chapter 23: Analyzing the Dynamics of a Healthy Family Unit

    • Four Essential Traits of a Healthy Family Dynamic: 1. Healthy families are attuned to each other’s needs. In other words, make regular time for face-to-face conversations with each other.

    • (02:49) People Talk About What Family Means To Them by Facts Channel

    • (27:15) Family (The Truth About Family) - YouTube

    • (15:00) What Your Parents Did Right - YouTube

    • Chapter 23 Quiz: Tribe Dynamics and Addiction

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    Chapter 24: The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton


    • (01:30:00) Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief @ UPLIFT 2012 - YouTube

    • The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

    • Chapter 24 Quiz: The Biology of Substance Abuse

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