This eCoaching Program is certified for use in court or probation

Please check with your institution to confirm acceptance

eCoaching Program for court or probation

Take this 100% online eProgram for personal development or if you were ordered by a Judge or Court Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This program includes proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Additional rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional $50 per session hour. Please call to schedule #936-444-7508

Certified Mental Health Coach

Health Psychologist

Valerie Catt Joglar

Valerie Catt is a certified master mental health psychologist and a rehabilitation impact education coach with an advanced degree certificate in health and wellness coaching and rehabilitation education. Val has been creating online course curriculum since 2012 and has extensive experience in court mandated education services including elearning courses and impact coaching curriculum.

Beyond Stress, Managing Anxiety eCoaching Program

Once you enroll in your eProgram, your coach will email you and when you complete the curriculum, your coach will email you to schedule your coaching session. Questions? Call us #936-444-7508

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    Session 1: Beyond Stress, Managing Anxiety and Paralyzing Fear

    • What We’ve Got Wrong About Anxiety: Many psychiatrists and psychologists don’t understand how the mind really works. So if you take the initiative and start to study and understand your mind—and how natural laws work, you’ll be way ahead of the game...

    • Fear means that you believe, that a scenario that you very much do not want to happen, is very likely to happen! So fear lets you know that you are believing in a reality that you do not prefer. So, fear can serve you, by being an "indicator" ...

    • (05:26) Abraham Hicks - How to overcome Anxiety by Mike Cartledge

    • (15:06) How to Cope With Anxiety | Ralph Smart by Infinite Waters (diving deep)

    • (24:49) How to Get Rid of Anxiety (A Natural Cure for Anxiety) - Teal Swan

    • (15:05) Abraham Hicks 2020 (Brand NEW) - Calibrating Away From Fear, Worry, And Anxiety | Law of Attraction by Animated Abraham

    • QUESTION & ANSWER PRE-SESSION :: BEYOND STRESS Q&A...with interactive feedback!
