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Your mental health rights matter! You have a right to seek rehabilitation education of your preference--education that you believe will enhance your mental health and maximize your potential to rehabilitate. 

This eCourse is certified for use in court or probation

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Court/Probation Certified Online Course

The Drug Offender Education Program (DOEP) is a standardized impact course that covers various topics related to drug use and illegal behavior. Designed to educate drug offenders about the negative consequences of drug abuse/misuse and associated illegal activities, the goal is to increase knowledge of drug use habits and help in developing a strong knowledge base to reduce the probability of future drug use and illegal activities and increase the probability of life transformation.

Get help now: US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Take this 100% online evidence based eCourse if you were ordered by a Judge or Court System Official to enroll in rehabilitation education. This course includes a proof of enrollment and a certificate of completion. 

Rehabilitation Impact Education eCounseling or eCoaching is also available for an additional hourly fee. Please call to schedule #936-444-7508



  • 1

    Chapter 1: Drug Offender Impact Education - Awareness of Drug Charges

    • Introduction to DOEP Drug and Alcohol Awareness Substance Abuse Addiction Dependence Prevention


    • Download and save your "WORKSHEET JOURNAL SURVEY" as proof of your efforts (download icon is at the top right corner)

    • Drug Charges Certain illicit drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, are restricted at both the federal and state level. This includes the manufacturing, cultivation, trafficking, distribution and possession of these substances.

    • Drug Classifications: The federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) classifies drugs into five schedules based on the potential for abuse and whether the drug has been proven and accepted for medical use.

    • Drug Cultivation and Manufacturing: Cultivating or manufacturing illegal drugs, such as methamphetamine or marijuana, is illegal under federal and state laws (with limited exceptions for marijuana in certain states).

    • Drug Paraphernalia Charges: While you're probably aware that drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin are illegal under federal and most states' law, you might not know that people can be prosecuted for owning or selling related items or objects...

    • Drug Possession Overview: Federal and state drug possession laws make it a crime to willfully possess illegal controlled substances such as marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, "club drugs," and heroin.

    • Drug dealing or drug sale charges are criminal charges for the sale or attempted sale of any type of illegal controlled substance, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or meth. State laws sometimes refer to drug selling as "possession with intent"...

    • Drug Trafficking Overview of Laws: Drug trafficking is selling, transporting or importing illegal drugs. Another name for this crime is drug distribution.

    • Federal Marijuana Laws: If you live in a state that legalized medical or recreational marijuana use, it may come as an unpleasant surprise to learn that you are still committing a federal crime by possessing, buying, or selling marijuana.

    • Medical Marijuana Laws: The term "medical marijuana" refers to the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes. People who are terminally ill, or suffer from painful or long-term symptoms associated with certain diseases...

    • Possession with the Intent to Distribute: Under federal law, the possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell or distribute it is a serious offense.

    • Types of Drug Crimes: Federal and state laws cover many types of drug crimes. State drug laws may be narrower as long as they don't conflict with federal drug laws. Federal drug charges usually result in longer sentences, while state drug charges shorter.

    • What Is a Controlled Substance? Generally, a controlled substance is an illegal drug that can have a detrimental effect on a person's health and welfare. As a result, federal and state governments have seen fit to regulate these substances.

    • (06:23) 2nd chances for drug offenders by Channel KPRC 2 Click2Houston

    • (06:45) Attorney/Uber Driver Tutorial on DWI Checkpoints by fiero600 Channel

    • (01:29) Booker wants clemency for certain drug offenders by Channel

    • (20:19) PEACE OFFICER DISCUSSES DUI/DWI IN GEORGIA by officer401 Channel

    • (04:02) After 15 Years in Prison, One Drug Offender’s Search for Meaning | The Daily Signal by Channel The Daily Signal

    • (02:28) Rehabilitating Drug Offenders by Channel CBS 4 News Rio Grande Valley

    • (01:33) Drug offender's prison sentence reduced by social media campaign by Channel KAUM NEWS

    • (00:42) Reduced penalties for non-violent drug offenders makes Ohio ballot by Local 12 Channel

    • (02:00) Mandatory jail or rehab for drug offenders by Channel WDTNTV

    • (06:20) Drug Possession Charges in Court by Channel Gustitis Law

    • (08:32) Drug Offender Probation by Channel William Moore Law Firm

    • (03:33) Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentencing Explained by Channel American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)


  • 2

    Chapter 2: Drugs & Alcohol Series Including Prescription /street Drugs and Cannabis- The Truth About Drug Abuse and Addiction

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Law Violation & Cannabis Law Education

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Public Intoxication Law, Drugs, Alcohol, Cannabis & Street Drugs

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Minor in Possession Law Violation Alcohol, Street / Prescription Drugs, Cannabis

  • 6

    Chapter 6: HIV/AIDS Awareness and Substance Abuse and Addiction Prevention Education

  • 7

    Chapter 7: The Rat Park Rat Experiments and the Perception of Drug Addiction

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction Risk Factors

  • 9

    Chapter 9: The Brain, Addiction and Reward Centers

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Drugs & Alcohol Victims (Survivors) Impact Panels VIP(S) #1-of-4- What It's Like to Be Addicted / Dependent to a Substance

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Drug Abuse and Addiction Support- Warning Signs and Symptoms

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Create a Healthy Life by Creating Healthy Relationships

  • 13

    Chapter 13: The Anatomy of a Healthy Relationship: How to Have Successful and Secure Relationships

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Healthy Relationships Versus Toxic Relationships and Knowing the Difference

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Healthy Communication in Relationships- Be the Solution, Not the Problem

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Rules, Boundaries and Limitations in Relationships

  • 17

    Chapter 17: Emotional Intelligence and Why EQ is More Important than IQ

  • 18

    Chapter 18: Theory, Practice and Philosophy of Impulse (Self) Control

  • 19

    Chapter 19: How Drugs Affect Our Mental Health

  • 20

    Chapter 20: Drugs & Alcohol Victim (Survivor) Impact Panels Part-2-of-4-Intervention and Recovery

  • 21

    Chapter 21: Understanding the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind

  • 22

    Chapter 22: Mindfulness Meditation For Drug Addiction Intervention and Recovery

  • 23

    Chapter 23: Drug Abuse and Addiction Recovery and Interventions

  • 24

    Chapter 24: Physics and Emotions: The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts

  • 25

    Chapter 25: The Laws of Physics: What is the Law of Attraction?

  • 26

    Chapter 26: How to Cope with Loneliness, Depression and Powerlessness

  • 27

    Chapter 27: Analyzing How Thoughts and Beliefs Create Emotions

  • 28

    Chapter 28: Drug Abuse, Addiction, Recovery and Relapse

  • 29

    Chapter 29: The Philosophy of Integrity - The Integrated Whole

  • 30

    Chapter 30: Drugs & Alcohol Victim (Survivor) Impact Panel Part-3-of-4- In Recovery? "Don't give up!"

  • 31

    Chapter 31: Hypnosis and Healing Addictive Behaviors

  • 32

    Chapter 32: Q&A Review of Healthy Relationships

  • 33

    Chapter 33: Anatomy and Phisiology of the Dangerous Effect of Alcohol

  • 34

    Chapter 34: The Internal Locus of Control- A Fault and Blame Buster

  • 35

    Chapter 35: Brain Function and Behavior on Drugs

  • 36

    Chapter 36: Self-reflection, Self-evaluation- Am I a Good Partner?

  • 37

    Chapter 37: Love is Respect- Printable Quizzes to Help and Be Helped

  • 38

    Chapter 38: Drug Addiction Processes and Prevention Techniques

  • 39

    Chapter 39: Wisdom and Life Advice Worth Following

  • 40

    Chapter 40: Drugs & Alcohol Series Victim (Survivor) Impact Panel Part-4-of-4-Motivating Words of Successful Recoveries
