Child Care Training

Online Course

Certified by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development (C.H.I.L.D.)
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.

Course Contents

Certified Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

  • Child Development

    Knowing how children develop is essential in meeting each child's needs and helping them thrive.

  • Identify Factors

    Identify factors that influence development and ways to partner with families and caregivers.

  • Assessment Tools

    Assessment methods and tools can be used to obtain valid information about development.

Child Development and Assessment

Comprehensive Training for Child Care Professionals

Knowing how children develop is essential in meeting each child's needs. This course is designed to identify factors that influence development and helps identify ways to partner with families regarding specific child development. Examine the types of assessment tools to plan engaging play experiences.

Also presented are definitions of multiple terms around development and developmental stages, and methods of recognizing developmental differences among typically developing children as well as ways to consider if a child’s development is atypical. 

The importance of play and why play is the optimal mode for learning and supporting children’s development and strategies to plan play experiences are explained. Finally, the types of assessment methods and tools and appropriate purposes for which each can be used to obtain valid information are examined.

This 4-hour online course was created by the Child Happiness Institute of Love Development operated by Belinda Bane and Valerie Joglar in alignment with guidelines set by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Care Licensing Division, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

 Included: enrollment proof, course completion reminders emailed weekly and certificate of completion.

Value: 4 Clock Hours for Child Care Professionals

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Child Development Stages

    • Welcome! Below, find important introduction information about your online course...

    • Entry Survey: Child Development Stages

    • (03:21) Child Development, What is it? The 5 stages of a child development explained in this video. by BabyPillars

    • AGES & STAGES OF HEALTHY CHILD DEVELOPMENT Mentoring and guiding children prepares them for success. Positive parenting is the solution to raising happy, healthy, and productive adults. Children who are nurtured and supported are more likely to thrive.

    • (15:30) When Should my Baby... Milestones 0-12 months by Babies and Bones

    • (07:18) Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman by Albert Einstein College of Medicine

    • (09:06) What is the Period of PURPLE Crying? by purple NCSBS

    • (10:16) PRACTICAL LIFE Skills and Activities for Kids ( 3-4-5 year old ) | Skills and Milestones by MotherTouch

    • (06:26) Whole Child Development by Sprouts

    • (06:55) Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development by Sprouts

    • Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge but also on understanding the nature of intelligence

    • Quiz: Child Development Stages

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Brain Development and Emotions

    • Learning about how a child’s brain develops in the early years of their life is of practical worth both for the parents and educators. Rapid growth in the field of neuroscience is brining to light new amazing truths about child brain development stages.

    • (04:23) The 3 Stages of Emotional Child Development

    • The early years of a child’s life are very important for later health and development. One of the main reasons is how fast the brain grows starting before birth and continuing into early childhood.

    • From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. And early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school and life.

    • (04:44) The Baby Brain by First Things First

    • From our earliest days, the brain rapidly develops thinking, mobility, and communication skills. But not quite as quick to develop are the parts of the brain that regulate and process our emotions.

    • (14:09) Growing an emotional brain by graham music

    • Can you remember the last time you played peek-a-boo with a young child? You may think it is just a fun child’s game, but actually it is helping brains of very young children develop.

    • (04:05) How a child's brain develops through early experiences by NSPCC

    • Neuroscience research has shown us that early childhood is a time of tremendous brain development. The young brain literally changes shape and size in response to everything encountered in the early years of life.

    • (01:51) 3. Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development by Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

    • Quiz: Brain Development and Emotions

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Milestones in Child Development and Play

    • Play is all about fun! Any activity, organized or unstructured, your child finds fun and enjoyable is considered play. But play is much more than just a fun activity for your child! As a child grows they go through different stages of play development.

    • Freud's psychosexual stage theory Erikson's psychosocial stage theory Kohlberg's moral understanding stage theory Piaget's cognitive development stage theory Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory

    • (13:50) Stages of Play by sammy Fugler

    • (06:45) Kohlberg’s 6 Stages of Moral Development by Sprouts

    • (20:19) The Heart-Brain Connection: The Neuroscience of Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning by Edutopia

    • (03:51) PLAY THERAPY - WHAT IS IT? by Playful Pathways

    • Play therapy is a form of therapy used primarily for children. That’s because children may not be able to process their own emotions or articulate problems to parents or other adults. While it may look like an ordinary playtime play therapy is much more

    • (07:43) Play Therapy Works! by Association for Play Therapy

    • (09:08) Social Skills Ball Play Therapy Intervention by AutPlay Therapy

    • Quiz: Milestones in Child Development and Play

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Child Development Assessment Methods and Tools

    • (01:56) Tracking Your Child's Development by Get Parenting Tips

    • Early childhood assessment is a tool used to gather and provide educators, parents, and families with critical information about a child’s development and growth.

    • (03:01) Developmental Assessment of a Child by Concord Media

    • Developmental monitoring observes how your child grows and changes over time and whether your child meets the typical developmental milestones in playing, learning, speaking, behaving, and moving.

    • (10:42) Documenting Children's Learning by CECE Early Childhood Videos at Eastern CT State U.

    • A high ACE score does not mean a person will necessarily develop correlating physical and behavioral health problems. It simply means that they are at greater risk. Moreover, while ACEs can impact the development of the brain the effect is reversible.

    • (03:02) Prevent ACEs Now by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    • Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation: Report Abuse By Phone: 1-800-252-5400 Online:

    • Quiz: Child Development Assessment Methods and Tools

    • Child Development and Assessment Exit Survey

Child Care Training

Online Educational Courses

The ultimate source of clock hours for child care professionals.
Child Care Professional Education for clock hours for child care professionals.